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Keep an eye on your Estate sales, kids!


1962 3-pc with original hardware and cymbals! Yep, the Supra is COB and is absolutely pristine, as is the rest of the kit! Happened across them in a back room at an estate sale...Already sold the 2 sparkle drums for what I have in 'em, and adding the Supra, my first of the 'holy trinity' snares, to the arsenal for free!

Posted on 7 years ago

Those look like new! Excellent!

Posted on 7 years ago

He shoots, he scores!!! Congrats on that beautiful snare!!

1964 Ludwig Champagne Super Classic
1970 Ludwig Blue Oyster Super Classic
1977 Rogers Big R Londoner 5 ebony
1972/1978 Rogers Powertone/Big R mix ebony
60's Ludwig Supersensitive
Pearl B4514 COB snare ( the SC snare)
Pearl Firecracker
PJL WMP maple snare
Odds & Sods

Sabians, Paistes, Zildjians, Zyns, UFIPs, MIJs etc
Item may be subject to change!
Posted on 7 years ago

Wow, did you find them in the original wrappers? They look great.

Posted on 7 years ago

Awesome. They are out there..

Posted on 7 years ago

Thanks y'all. I seriously think they spent the last 40+ years in a closet. The bottom of the bass drum was perfect with no it had never even been set up & played. I hit the wraps with Novus #1, just to see if they'd shine up even a bit. Made no difference. Truly a time capsule!

Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 5295 Threads: 226

Congrats!! You were in the right spot at the right time!!


1976 Ludwig Mach 4 Thermogloss 26-18-14-14sn
1978 Ludwig Stainless 22-22-18-16-14-13-12 c/w 6-8-10-12-13-14-15-16-18-20-22-24 concert toms
1975 Sonor Phonic Centennials Metallic Pewter 22-16-13-12-14sn (D506)
1971 Ludwig Classic Bowling Ball OBP 22-16-14-13
1960's Stewart Peacock Pearl 20-16-12-14sn
1980`s Ludwig Coliseum Piano Black 8x14 snare
1973 Rogers Superten 5x14 & 6.5x14 COS snares
1970`s John Grey Capri Aquamarine Sparkle 5x14 snare
1941 Ludwig & Ludwig Super 8x14 snare
Posted on 7 years ago

Every time I try to buy drums or guitars at estate sales, someone always beats me to the punch. I get emails informing me of all the estate sales in my area. Some 77 year old man beat me to a '59 BDP Slingerland set for $500 last year by a few minutes. Determined estate sale people line up hours in advance if there are instruments for sale that are desirable.

Posted on 7 years ago

Estate sales can be fun, once you get over the creep factor of rummaging through a dead persons stuff.

I have found some really cool things and some really good deals over the years, but now that everyone can search an item on their smartphone when they see it, having "insider" knowledge of a niche collectable market is rendered nearly moot. Vintage music gear is nearly always sniffed out early, but occasionally something, usually something that is incomplete or needs a little work, will slip past the general antique picker crowd.

Stop stringing and tuning your instrument, make music now.
-fortune cookie

Vintage Drums:
1970ish Ludwig Standard Avocado Strata downbeat
1970ish Star Acrylic 22,12,13,16
1950’s Gretsch tympani 26.5
19?? Sonor roto-tympani 13x12
70’s Ludwig Standard alum 14x5 snare
90’s Arbiter Adv. Tuning 12x5 snare
90’s Ludwig blackrolite 14x5 snare

Modern Drums:
Erie Drums 1-ply sycamore shell kit 18,10,13
Erie 1-ply maple 14x5 snare
Tama S.L.P. Acrylic 14x6.5 snare
Posted on 7 years ago

The guy running this estate sale said he had gotten lots of calls on the set (the estate sale was posted on CL), but only one other interested buyer that had actually shown up. She had offered him just over half of what they had it priced at and had told him she would return that evening to complete the sale. I offered exactly half of what he was asking, cash on the spot. We shook hands and that was it. When I saw the pic of the snare on the CL posting, I had to go check to see which kind it was, assuming it was likely going to be Ludalloy. It sure was a pleasant surprise to learn that it's brass! Been on the lookout for one of those in a sale like this for decades now...

Posted on 7 years ago
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