I think with traditional grip it won't work too well.
I revamped my set up years ago when I stopped with the double bass nonsense. The 8&10 that were over the high hat came down and I run 8-10-12 up front. On the RC drums all three of them are 8" deep so it makes a nice neat (and low, even over the 22) set up. The 13&15 act as floor toms and I put either the 16 or 18 on the left. Usually the 16 because the 18 is a friggin tympani!
One thing I spend a lot of time on is Tom angles. I set all my drums such that like the snare, I can do a rim shot easily on any of the drums with either hand. Not that I'm a big rim shot fan-boy or anything but having the drums flat relitive to the sick gives a clear and consistent tone as well as allowing heads to last through a presidential term.
The mounted 10 on my be-bop kit looks a bit silly but it sure plays nice! The floor time are angled away from me a bit, like Keith Carlock does with all his toms. I can't do that with rack toms but for the lower drums it makes sense to get my "rim shot capable" placement. It