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Identification of snare with ludwig parts


Hello there,

I got this snare as part of a lot a few years ago. There was a sonor kit (an S-Class from early 2000's) which alone was worth what I paid so this was a bonus. It sounds quite nice despite the bent hoop, missing lug and various other issues. I've searched through various threads, old catalogues and image searches to get some info about it but haven't found anything solid.

It seems to be a bit of a frankenstein drum. Ludwig Standard lugs (x 8), 14" x 8", 7-plies (as far as I can tell, could be 6-ply with an outer veneer?), generic looking strainer and butt-plate, and the outer ply looks to me like mahogany based on some image searches, but I would like to hear some expert opinions on this. The previous owner also drilled new screws directly through the lugs! I suppose for reinforcement since he had it tuned super tight, but it suggests that it could have been modified in other ways too.

It does look quite similar to some marching snares from the 70s, which I hear have 6 plies, but then the marching snares seem to always have double rather than single lugs, and 10 rather than 8 of them.

Anyway, thanks for taking a look. I'd love to hear from anyone who has any clues as to the model but failing that, whether the shell itself could be of any quality. Since classic lugs would fit it, I'm half thinking of upgrading with these and some new hoops, but knowing more about the shell quality would help me decide on this.


Posted on 4 years ago

Hi Sullington,

I do not think those are Ludwig lugs, and I can't help you on the identification either, Sorry


Posted on 4 years ago

I believe they are Ludwig, "Standard" lugs.

Thanks to Mr. Jerry Jenkins
Posted on 4 years ago

Hi sullington!

The shell appears to be 6-ply mahogany, possibly an MIJ. I have a few MIJ snare drums with the same type of shell and gray interior. The lugs are Ludwig Standard. From the one interior shot, I don't see any additional holes. I'm quite surprised that the existing holes lined up with the Standard lugs. To be quite honest, I don't see any real value with this drum. You basically got it for free! If you're happy with the sound, that's all that matters. Finding a Standard/Rocker lug shouldn't be too difficult!


Posted on 4 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

Those aren't Ludwig Standard lugs or sure don't appear to be on my monitor. There appears to be a crease down the center and sort of flat areas on each side of it forming a sort of triangular outcropping. Standard/Rocker lugs are perfectly smooth with a perfect curve around the outside and no definitive angles or lines. This was the cost saving aspect of the design, due to their smooth design they could be completely machine polished prior to plating, whereas the intricate details of the classic lug design required some hand work to be involved in the same process, thereby raising the cost.

Honestly I don't see anything Ludwig in the pictures although it's tough to say about the shell itself.

Posted on 4 years ago

I am with you K.O.

That is what I see also.


Posted on 4 years ago

From DRUMR69

I am with you K.O.That is what I see also.Wayne

Looking at this again, I'm also seeing the same thing. I've just never seen MIJ or MIT lugs that resembled the Standard/Rocker lugs before! See something new every day!


Posted on 4 years ago
Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

Wow! "They" copied some company's drum hardware other than Slingerland and Rogers.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 4 years ago

Thanks for the replies everyone. They are in fact not ludwig standards, thanks for pointing that out Wayne and K.O.

At some point I started to suspect this because of the crease but I left it alone for a while and completely forgot about it! What's strange is that they have the same hole spacing as standard/classic lugs.

Mark, the MIJ theory is very convincing, thanks for pointing it out. I don't really mind about value and as you say, the main thing is the sound. Any idea whether it's african mahogany or lauan?

Posted on 4 years ago


I seriously doubt the shells would be African mahogany. Most likely lauan. The other term for this is Phillipine Mahogany. Not the best wood for shells. Still, the 6-ply shells aren't too bad, either. As long as the bearing edges are reasonably true, they can sound pretty good with the right heads and tuning. Just takes some experimenting to find the right combination. I've got a few MIJ snare drums with these shells.


Posted on 4 years ago
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