Hello, I'll try to describe this drum as best I can so you might be able to supply me with the correct strainer and butt plate.
This is a 14" x 7.5" 16 lug (8 top, 8 bottom) Slingerland radio king. It has beautiful "scalop" style lugs.
th badge reads: Slingerland quality drums
Chicago ,Ill USA
The damping devise is intact, but the strainer and butt plate are long gone, replaced by incorrect student model parts.
Sadly the shell has been drilled to make the wrong parts fit.
Where the strainer and b.p. should go, there are two 1/2" holes centered on each side of the shell. Now that I look close, I can see there are two smaller holes on each side, drilled under the larger. These appear to be the original holes. They are in triangle pattern on both sides and both sides appear to mirror one another. (they look the same)
I would like to purchase a correct throw-off strainer and butt plate assembly for this drum.
Also, the bolted on parts (where the snare wires pass through) on the bottom rim are rusty. The rim is perfect, but bolted on brace things are a mess. Can these be replaced?
It is interesting, the rims must be brass and the bolted on brace parts must be plated steel?