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Hi-hat clutch for a hexagonal rod??

Posts: 1017 Threads: 349

Since I'm back to restoring hardware, I've been browsing among the many boxes of stuff. Yessir, this year I really am going to organize this stuff!!


I came across three hi hat clutches. Two are from Slingerland hi-hats (haven't looked up the model yet) with a 'bell-shape."

One is made to mount on a hexagonal rod. Is this a Rogers?? Can't remember -- except that it's a super design.


Posted on 6 years ago

Sounds like it's a Sonor...I've had that type before.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1017 Threads: 349

I realized me descriptions were ass-backward. I have two of the early Slingerland. But the one I just can't recall is this one... Great design...



I don't think it's a Sonor, as I haven't really worked on many. I checked through the available catalogs, but I couldn't see any similar.


Posted on 6 years ago

Howdy, I think it is from a Slingerland Dynamo model high hat. I have seen it referred to as the Buddy Rich high hat. Sorry I don't know the model number off hand. Hope this helps, Joe

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Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1017 Threads: 349

Yes!! Thanks, Joe.

Helluva hi-hat, too. Oh, if I only had all the stuff I useta' ... I'd have too much stuff again.

Posted on 6 years ago

I don't remember all of the details, but George Carlin did a wonderful comedy routine all about "stuff". I assume it is on YouTube or some tribute site. Unfortunately it is not comedy for a drummer, I don't think you can ever have too much drum stuff, but my wife may beg to differ...

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1017 Threads: 349

Too much stuff??!! Ha! Last night I found a complete Zoomatic strainer, and enough parts for another.

Sure it's too much stuff, but treasure hunting is a blast.


Posted on 6 years ago
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