The gold set is way overpriced. I see sets similar to this going for much less. Like, well under a grand. I wouldn't buy this set based upon the horrendous grammar and punctuation mistakes by the seller. He sounds illiterate.
I have a Rogers set very similar to the 60's set; Red Onyx, with 12," 13," a 16" floor tom, and a 24" bass drum. It looks like a Londoner, but it was actually a very large set that was broken down to two sets. I got them for a song several months ago, from a guy In South Jersey.
Naturally, I'd go for the 60s set, and change out parts where needed. I'm not a fan of those mid-70's Rogers finishes. I was cleaning out a section of the basement last night and came across a mid-70s Rogers catalog that was all bent up, in bad condition. I tossed it in the trash. You can't keep everything.