I'm in the put-back-together phase of a resto I did on a '71-ish Name Band and as I go along, I'm finding I'm missing some rare and expensive pieces derailing my chance at getting the drums up and out for sale anytime soon. Blairndrums was helping me with some parts-a rail for the tom consolette for one-when we found the 20 inch bass drum has FOUR holes for the bass drum tom mount. Evidently the 4 hole mount (5 3/8" spacing)was only made for a short time and it seems now I get to mortgage the house IF I can find a mount. Sheesh...
Bellyaching aside, I don't even know what this part looks like as my research hasn't provided any clear examples of Gretsch bass drums with a close up of the 4 hole mount. A part number would be helpful too, so I at least know what I'm looking for.
Maybe you Gretsch guys can help me out. Too much info welcomed. I might as well mention over on the wanted to buy, I need a snare stand, floor cymbal stand and L cymbal arm. I'm also toying with just selling the drums without any hardware. Always look forward to the help I get here. Dean