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Gretsch Catalina Maple-butt plate ??


I have a Gretsch Catalina Maple kit that is about 10-15 years old. I went to change the snares on it today and when I removed the tension rods from the butt plate to remove the old straps and put in new ones, the tension rods would not grab on to anything or stay put in the butt plate when I put the new straps in-I looked around for any spare parts on the ground when I removed them and found none-does anyone know how the tension rods stay in there?? Any idea how I fix this?


1967 Ludwig Psychedelic Red Downbeat Kit (all original)w/14 in floor tom
Noble and Cooley Walnut snare
Noble and Cooley Horizon 6 piece kit in blue sparkle
2002 Noble and Cooley 4 piece Studio Classic in natural maple
Nov 3 1967 Ludwig chrome Supraphonic
1990s Pearl Session Custom in Amber fade
20 Zildjians
1984 Tama Superstar Bell Brass Snare
Noble and Cooley natural cherry snare
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1040 Threads: 106

weren't there some nuts that got stuck under a head collar or between t-rods and the shell?

Sysl krysu nenahradi!

-196?-72 6ply White Oyster Amati
-1960s 3ply Red Sparkle Amati
- Zildjian, Paiste, Zyn, Istanbul
Posted on 7 years ago

That means the drum key operated screws are either stripped, or (more likely) the holes they screw into are stripped.

It's an easy fix. I assume there is some space between the butt plate (where the straps go) and the shell. Just find some stop nuts at your local hardware store with the same threading as your drum key operated screws and you're in business. You'll probably need a second person to help you, because you'll need to use both hands to tighten the screws (one to turn the screw with the drum key and the other to hold the stop nut at the back of the butt plate with needle nose pliers).

There is a possibility that the drum key operated screws won't be long enough to pass all the way through the butt plate to grab the stop nuts behind it. If this is the case, simply replace your drum key operated screws with longer hex head or screwdriver operated screws of the same thread size.

I've done this before and it works fine; you just need a third hand to pull the strap tight.

Posted on 7 years ago

My guess is the holes had something to do with it as I found no other parts on the floor or anywhere else once I used a drum key to remove the tension rod (screw)-I couldn't figure out what was holding them in there for the life of me-you are right, the trick is going to be to have someone hold the stop nut with needle nose pliers-there is room but not a lot of it-I will try and post a picture if I can later on-thanks for the assist!

1967 Ludwig Psychedelic Red Downbeat Kit (all original)w/14 in floor tom
Noble and Cooley Walnut snare
Noble and Cooley Horizon 6 piece kit in blue sparkle
2002 Noble and Cooley 4 piece Studio Classic in natural maple
Nov 3 1967 Ludwig chrome Supraphonic
1990s Pearl Session Custom in Amber fade
20 Zildjians
1984 Tama Superstar Bell Brass Snare
Noble and Cooley natural cherry snare
Posted on 7 years ago

The attached picture is not the one from my drum but is one from a picture I found on the web-two questions-anyone know the official name/part number and where I can get one? How do the tension rods stay in these-was it something in the hole?? I really didn't drop anything once I removed the tension rod with the drum key so still trying to figure that out-sorry for being a rookie on this one......

1 attachment
1967 Ludwig Psychedelic Red Downbeat Kit (all original)w/14 in floor tom
Noble and Cooley Walnut snare
Noble and Cooley Horizon 6 piece kit in blue sparkle
2002 Noble and Cooley 4 piece Studio Classic in natural maple
Nov 3 1967 Ludwig chrome Supraphonic
1990s Pearl Session Custom in Amber fade
20 Zildjians
1984 Tama Superstar Bell Brass Snare
Noble and Cooley natural cherry snare
Posted on 7 years ago
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