How is everyone liking the new Gallery features and color scheme??? Any other people with issues??
I also installed a 4 tier welcome system that you will only see if you are under one of these criteria.
1. Have never logged in
2. Posted Rarely
3. Logged in but incomplete registration
4. Logged in but never posted
Each situation will get a different welcome message and statistically will improve the membership and amount of posts on the board. It is very common that many people are not sure what to do or how to actually post. Also, besides the membership there are 100's of others that just come in and "Lurke" on the board.
Other then that I have noticed things are slower at times, but with the amount of people on at times it should not be an issue. I'm looking into this as well.
I have plans for some other improvements on an auto sizer for larger images which is not a standard feature and a security issue for boards. That is the main reason why it is not a standard item on the Vbulletin.
Unfortunatley there are people that just like to break into forums and crash them and one way is to upload super large images that stall the server.