Anytime I travel I look at the Craigslist of the city I'll be in. This time I've come across a Ludwig kit with a Dynasonic. The seller is asking $400 for the everything, which from what I can tell might be a good price for the Dyna alone if it were in great condition.
I don't know jack about Rogers, so all I can tell is that it has beavertail lugs, and therefore it's a two-bead, five-line COB shell a round, white muffler. Did the Rogers muffler change shape or color at any point? Did the the gates on the snare cradle ever change? Do these features point to any specific time period?
Are the snare cradles difficult to find in working (or even original) condition, or find replacement parts for? Or would I be tracking down parts over time if these wires are barely hanging on?