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Drum Companies and Their Worst Ideas


From thejohnlec

Also, this may be a small thing, but I never much cared for the gold Yamaha mini lugs with their chrome hoops. Probably just me, but it seems like too much of a clash.

I always thought that as well. And while we're on that topic, didn't it always seem like those gold Maple Custom Absolute lugs were ALWAYS on a green gloss lacquer kit? I've seen a handful that were on a natural finish kit, but 99% of the gold lug Maple Custom Absolute lugs I have seen were on the green gloss lacquer.

From thejohnlec

The Ludwig Outrigger! Let's stick poles in the sides of the kick drums!

Yes! And let's make them 1" diameter poles while we're at it, and make them really awkward (if not impossible) to adjust from playing position.

The only benefit I could see from that system is saving floor space, but at that point, just get a rack instead of making your bass drum resemble some deli Swiss cheese.

Posted on 6 years ago

The Gibraltar Catapult pedal. WTH?

Posted on 6 years ago

From 8upwithit

The Gibraltar Catapult pedal. WTH?

I totally agree. I tried one once. I had zero power with that pedal. No matter how hard I stomped on that dang thing, I could not achieve any volume over mp.

How about the Sabian Rocktagon?

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1427 Threads: 66

From johnnyringo

Whatever happened to that drum throne that was actually attached to the kit and you sat like you were ready for blast off?

I remember the drum frame. The shop where I ordered my blue kit was a dealer. It was a neat idea, particularly if you tend to “slouch” forward while playing. It Took the drum rack to the next level, tying your throne in.

Obviously I didn’t buy into it, but I remember it

Cobalt Blue Yamaha Recording Custom 20b-22b-8-10-12-13-15-16f-18f
Red Ripple '70's Yamaha D-20 20b-12-14f
Piano Black Yamaha Recording Custom Be-Bop kit 18b-10-14f
Yamaha COS SDM5; Yamaha Cobalt Blue RC 5-1/2x14; Gretsch round badge WMP; 1972 Ludwig Acrolite; 1978 Ludwig Super Sensitive; Cobalt Blue one-off Montineri; Yamaha Musashi 6.5X13 Oak; cheap 3.5X13 brass piccolo
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1427 Threads: 66

From vyacheslav

The Drum Frame! As far as I know, Bob Gatzen invented it. He and Will Kennedy were the only ones I ever saw using it. I don't think Will does anymore, but all of Bob's You Tube tuning videos show him still using it.

Ahhhh! That explains it. Bob owned the shop I saw it in. “Creative Music”. Now gone sadly.

Cobalt Blue Yamaha Recording Custom 20b-22b-8-10-12-13-15-16f-18f
Red Ripple '70's Yamaha D-20 20b-12-14f
Piano Black Yamaha Recording Custom Be-Bop kit 18b-10-14f
Yamaha COS SDM5; Yamaha Cobalt Blue RC 5-1/2x14; Gretsch round badge WMP; 1972 Ludwig Acrolite; 1978 Ludwig Super Sensitive; Cobalt Blue one-off Montineri; Yamaha Musashi 6.5X13 Oak; cheap 3.5X13 brass piccolo
Posted on 6 years ago

How about something a little more recent:

Gretsch and their "Renown '57" kits?

Those were the ones that looked like an old Cadillac or hot rod from back in the day, with the odd piece of wrap (or whatever it was) on an otherwise lacquered shell. I teach at a music store and the manager asked me if I would be interested in ordering any of those drums, because apparently, the distributor was blowing them out at cost (or below) just to get rid of them!

And check it out! There's one available on Reverb right now for only $3,564.51 + $785.40 in shipping!!!!

Pretty sure they were less than a third of that new. I know that listing is from the Netherlands, but still...........................

I've never seen anyone using one. Ever. I think Gretsch thought there were more Rockabilly Bands/Brian Setzer Orchestra Tribute Bands than there actually are! Seriously, unless you're in a Rockabilly Band or are a devoted classic car enthusiast who also happens to be a drummer, who would buy one of those?

Posted on 6 years ago

From vyacheslav

I've never seen anyone using one. Ever. I think Gretsch thought there were more Rockabilly Bands/Brian Setzer Orchestra Tribute Bands than there actually are! Seriously, unless you're in a Rockabilly Band or are a devoted classic car enthusiast who also happens to be a drummer, who would buy one of those?

The funny thing is I know many rockabilly guys and devoted classic car enthusiasts, and they would NEVER use those drums because they would see them as inauthentic or try-hard. It totally makes me think of that Steve Buscemi “how do you do, fellow kids” gif.

Interestingly, the extra wrap can apparently be taken off, leaving behind a fairly normal-looking kit for little dough.

12/14/20 Mahogany INDe Bop Cocktail Hybrid

Late 50s Black Nitron 3 Ply Gretsch 13/16/20 w/ Max Roach Snare
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

From vyacheslav

How about something a little more recent:Gretsch and their "Renown '57" kits?Those were the ones that looked like an old Cadillac or hot rod from back in the day, with the odd piece of wrap (or whatever it was) on an otherwise lacquered shell. I teach at a music store and the manager asked me if I would be interested in ordering any of those drums, because apparently, the distributor was blowing them out at cost (or below) just to get rid of them!And check it out! There's one available on Reverb right now for only $3,564.51 + $785.40 in shipping!!!! sure they were less than a third of that new. I know that listing is from the Netherlands, but still...........................I've never seen anyone using one. Ever. I think Gretsch thought there were more Rockabilly Bands/Brian Setzer Orchestra Tribute Bands than there actually are! Seriously, unless you're in a Rockabilly Band or are a devoted classic car enthusiast who also happens to be a drummer, who would buy one of those?

A lot of guys love those. I have a set myself, bop sized, that I bought new for $699 during that end of run blowout. BUT! Those chevrons are just thin aluminum pieces stuck on the shell. They peel right off and then you have a solid lacquer finish of whatever color the shells were painted. So now, after a peel job and some other minor customization, I have a Renown set in Piano Black lacquer that runs neck and neck,as far as fit and finish, and sound quality, with my USA Customs, and a set that I bought for a fraction of what a Piano black USA "bop" set would have cost me.

Then again several people have stated that I'm a F'in' Idiot (that's what was posted several times back when I had a youtube video up on how to peel these drums, I got sick of it so I pulled the video) for having defaced a valuable and highly collectible set of drums by removing the custom finish. Doesn't actually bother me, I like them much better like they are now...if someone else prefers them as they were then that's fine too, but I don't care.

2 attachments
Posted on 6 years ago

From vyacheslav

I've never seen anyone using one. Ever. I think Gretsch thought there were more Rockabilly Bands/Brian Setzer Orchestra Tribute Bands than there actually are! Seriously, unless you're in a Rockabilly Band or are a devoted classic car enthusiast who also happens to be a drummer, who would buy one of those?

I don't hate it. I would even go as far to say that it's a pretty cool look if it wasn't mass produced. Like, if they were a special order for the top line of a small boutique company, or if someone customized their own kit. I wouldn't want this for my kit, but I could see an older dude in a blues or country band pulling it off.

Posted on 6 years ago

I think those could be collectable one day if you keep them original and nice, and I also think peeling them like K.O. did is fine too, either way, a sleeper kit for $700 bucks.

Stop stringing and tuning your instrument, make music now.
-fortune cookie

Vintage Drums:
1970ish Ludwig Standard Avocado Strata downbeat
1970ish Star Acrylic 22,12,13,16
1950’s Gretsch tympani 26.5
19?? Sonor roto-tympani 13x12
70’s Ludwig Standard alum 14x5 snare
90’s Arbiter Adv. Tuning 12x5 snare
90’s Ludwig blackrolite 14x5 snare

Modern Drums:
Erie Drums 1-ply sycamore shell kit 18,10,13
Erie 1-ply maple 14x5 snare
Tama S.L.P. Acrylic 14x6.5 snare
Posted on 6 years ago
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