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Cost of Rogers Dynasonics and Parts


I note we are off to the races on the prices of the new Dynasonic and its parts. I see a fair number of adds offering either depth for $799.00, but have also begun to see some at $899.00. I assume the latter is attempting to take advantage of in stock availability versus ordering. I also see the new bridge and snare sets ranging from a low of $59 including shipping to a high of $99 plus $15 to ship. It would be handy if production gets moving and competitive conditions lowered the price on both the drum and the parts.

Meanwhile, it may get a bit difficult to get what you want for an original drum:

Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1971 Threads: 249

Wow! Anybody know what that wood drum would have cost new?

Not a Guru... just interested..
Posted on 7 years ago

Wow! Anybody know what that wood drum would have cost new?


If you are talking about a 5X14 wood Dynasonic ... they were $150.00 NEW in 1966/67! Factoring in for inflation however, that would be approx. $1124.00 today! :)


Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1971 Threads: 249

Thanks! That “today’s dollars” figure was what I was hoping to calculate. You’re way ahead of me. :o

Not a Guru... just interested..
Posted on 7 years ago

From Tommyp

Jim!If you are talking about a 5X14 wood Dynasonic ... they were $150.00 NEW in 1966/67! Factoring in for inflation however, that would be approx. $1124.00 today! :) Tommyp

And as a further comparison, that $150 would have been about three weeks salary for someone making minimum wage in 1966! The Dynasonic was not priced for the "weekend drummer".


-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1971 Threads: 249

From mchair303

And as a further comparison, that $150 would have been about three weeks salary for someone making minimum wage in 1966! The Dynasonic was not priced for the "weekend drummer".Mike

Interesting that in 1967 in would have taken about 2.6 weeks ($1.40/hr) of work at minimum wage to buy a new Dynasonic and in 2018 in would take 2.5 weeks ($8.15/hr in Ohio) to buy a new Dynasonic.

At least I thought it was interesting. :)

Not a Guru... just interested..
Posted on 7 years ago

I agree J!m. Very interesting indeed. Do will file that under: Nothing new under the sun?

Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1971 Threads: 249

Who would have guessed the government would be using the price of a new Dynasonic to establish minimum wage?? Dang... Rogers drums have some serious influence!! Mind Blowi

Not a Guru... just interested..
Posted on 7 years ago

From Dan Boucher

I agree J!m. Very interesting indeed. Do will file that under: Nothing new under the sun?

or file it under, "the more things change, the more they stay the same".

Talking about the ratio of Dynasonic Price vs. Average Earnings is amusing, but imagine what the cost of the new Dyna would be if it were still being hand made in a small Covington Ohio factory by American workers. I'd probably have to work two months to afford one.


-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 7 years ago

Thanks for posting that link to the bridge on Reverb.

I've been looking for the screw for my original 60's one & that should work.

Posted on 7 years ago
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