Just wanted to ask for some opinions/tips and tricks on cleaning up bearing edges. I’ve got some early 70s 3 ply Ludwigs that I’m refinishing. 12x15, 16x18, 14x24. I was thinking about taking some 80 grit (or even grittier) sand paper to the bearing edges and just cleaning them up a little bit. They don’t look terrible and I haven't checked them closely yet with the flashlight trick or anything, but they look like they could use some love. I’d then finish it off with a 120 then maybe a 100 grit paper and some wax. Is this something that’s commonly done when restoring an old kit? And if so, how do you guys usually treat your edges on newly acquired old drums?
The second part to my question is, what style of edges are these? (Pic below) They look slightly sharper than some other early 70s Ludwigs, but I’m not sure that’s true. I’m not very well versed on edges. I’d like the typical warm round sound out of these, so if I need to, I can put a little elbow grease in it and round them out a bit instead of just running over them. Is this something anyone has done before? I have watched a few videos and read up a little bit. If I do find that the edges are wavy and dipping here and there badly, Ive also heard I can take the shell to a flat surface covered in a gritty sand paper and just flatten them out and start all over.
Which leads me to my last question (I swear!). If I flatten them completely out, what’s a good way to go about rounding them back out by hand?
I’d rather not get them completely re cut. I’d also rather not have to flatten them out and I don’t think I will. But, at the very least I think they need a good once over. Thanks in advance for the replies!