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Cigarette Burn on Kevlar Head


Hey, guys,

     I recently purchased a Kevlar batter head with a small cigarette burn near the edge. The head hasn't arrived yet, but the seller was very honest in pointing this flaw out to me. Is there any way of removing or disguising the mark? I've read opinions using toothepaste and baking soda. Even mayonaise!




Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 4 months ago

   Hey, guys!

     My head arrived early and except for the burn, which I was expecting, it looks really good. I tried toothpaste and baking soda. Nothing. Mayonaise? Nope. Finally, I experimentred with "fantastic, with bleach." Bingo! I saturated a Q-tip with fantastic and gently dabbed at the mark for about a minute. I wiped clean with a damp cloth. I then repeated the routine. I would say that the burn is about 95% eliminated! 


Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 4 months ago
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