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Anyone ever see this style of Rogers "Big R" before?



These are for sale locally (not mine). The Memriloc tom post and arms seem different than other Big R stuff I have seen. Also, all the Big R stuff I have seen had wood bass drum hoops. It has modern, non-Memriloc spurs instead of those gigantic legs. The same with the floor tom legs and brackets, instead of those huge tubes. The internal tone controls also look odd. I have a "round badge" Star set that uses those same tone controls, with the "quick" off/on feature. Finally, that floor tom looks very "luan-ish" doesn't it? Maybe this was at the very tail end of the Big R era, before the went the R-360 route?

Could this possibly be a re-wrap with maybe an orphan or two (or three), using beavertail lugs? It has the correct t-rods on the bass drum, but everything else seems "off" to me.

Feel free to chime in,


Posted on 6 years ago

Pretty sure these are from the Island Imports era, after Rogers shut down in the mid-80s.

And the R-360/380 lines were late 60's/early70's Rogers-licensed made-by-Yamaha budget lines.


Tama Superstar 81 Aqua bop
Rogers Cleveland BDP (x2), Silver bop, Champagne, Black/Gold Duco, WMP, Blue sparkle; Dayton Red Onyx;
Camco Oaklawn 12 14 20 5x14 Tuxedo WMP
LW 59 SC Blue Sparkle, WMP
WFL Gold Sparkle SC, WMP Compacto
Gretsch 49/50 Broadkaster WMP
Fibes Copper Forte
Remo MasterEdge Bop, Gold Crown, Mondo
Slingerland Conway Black Satin
70's MIJ Del Ray, my first and fav ok I'm lying here
Way Too Many Snares, She Says
Posted on 6 years ago

+1 with what was said above. Are there worse kits available? Of course! Unless these are being offered for bargain "blow-out" prices, $200 or less, I'd pass!


Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1461 Threads: 87

Big R badges with the black edging are imported shells. USA badges have a silver edging that show up even if you cannot make out the USA on the badge.

Posted on 6 years ago
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