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Any ideas regarding this Ludwig Kit?


Can anyone here assist me in identifying and putting a date to this Ludwig kit which consists of a 22” Kick drum, 13” rack tom, and a 16” floor tom. The kit was re-wrapped at some point and its badges were never re-applied so I have nothing to go on badge-wise.

I have been told that it originally featured the Consolette type tom mount which was replaced at some point by what is apparently a Monroe mount. In the photos of the inside on the kick drum you can see additional holes where the different type of tom mount was previously fitted.

I assume that the spurs, tension rods, and claws of the bass drum will provide the best clues, along with the lug design (assuming that these are all original to the kit).

So, any Luddy experts here able to identify this kit? Many thanks in advance.
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

I would guess it's in the ballpark of 1980 but could be from a fair amount of time after that. 6 ply shells so it wouldn't be any older than roughly 1978ish but could be Monroe era too. Not sure how such a drum would have had a rail applied in that location. Possibly if it were a very early 6 ply and someone special ordered a rail in that position...however the spacers under the floor tom leg brackets are a much later thing. The "129" stamp inside the drum might be of some significance (Dec 1999?) but I'm not sure.

The claws on the bass drum are generic replacements.

Kind of tough to really narrow this down with the information available.

The large curved spurs are currently available but they were dropped for quite a long period. I don't recall when that occurred but that would probably be the latest year the set could date from.

Posted on 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing your thought K.O

My initial thoughts was around 1980 too, possibly even a Rocker Kit, I seem to recall seeing an early one that had the curved spurs but I may be mistaken. However, this 22" kick drum features 10 lugs whereas I thought the Rocker kit had only 8?

Regarding the location of the rail, yes typically you would expect these to be off-centre unlike the holes that are clearly seen in the photos that I provided but I have seen them in the centre of some kick drums that feature in the Ludwig catalogs of the late 60's as seen here from their '67 catalogue (though this particular drum has only the 8 lugs and different spurs) , but you say that the drum couldn't possibly be from that era?
Posted on 6 years ago

From backwater channels

Thanks for sharing your thought K.OMy initial thoughts was around 1980 too, possibly even a Rocker Kit, I seem to recall seeing an early one that had the curved spurs but I may be mistaken. However, this 22" kick drum features 10 lugs whereas I thought the Rocker kit had only 8?Regarding the location of the rail, yes typically you would expect these to be off-centre unlike the holes that are clearly seen in the photos that I provided but I have seen them in the centre of some kick drums that feature in the Ludwig catalogs of the late 60's as seen here from their '67 catalogue (though this particular drum has only the 8 lugs and different spurs) , but you say that the drum couldn't possibly be from that era?

The kit in question is definitely not from the same era, they didn't use 6ply shells.

Posted on 6 years ago

Just out of interest, when did they start producing 6ply shells?
Posted on 6 years ago

I think it was in 1976.

Posted on 6 years ago

Looking at the old Ludwig catalogues the only bass drum that seems to feature as 22" with 10 lugs, and with the arched spurs appears to be the 'Classic', years '71 through to '80. And in some of these catalogues the tom bracket does match that of the one in my photos. What are your thoughts on this guys?
Posted on 6 years ago

From backwater channels

...Regarding the location of the rail, yes typically you would expect these to be off-centre unlike the holes that are clearly seen in the photos that I provided but I have seen them in the centre of some kick drums that feature in the Ludwig catalogs of the late 60's as seen here from their '67 catalogue (though this particular drum has only the 8 lugs and different spurs) , but you say that the drum couldn't possibly be from that era?

That centered rail consolette is on a Jazzette set. An 18" bass drum which is 12" deep rather than the more common 14". Not all Jazzettes have the centered rail mount but most do. It's a geometry/gravity/design thing. Larger diameter bass drums with rail consolette mounts usually had the mount off center, but there were always variations due to user request.

Posted on 6 years ago
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