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Another Ludwig Anomaly



I was in the Indianapolis area today, and Guitar Center had this displayed with their used kits.

A B/W Badge Rocker kit, with standard lugs, clear interiors and Modular mounting hardware. I have never seen this particular combination all together. I've seen Rocker kits with Standard lugs and classic lugs, with clear and Grani-tone interiors , but all the Rockers I have seen used either the Rocker double tom mount, or the regular Ludwig L-arm mount. First one I have seen with a Modular mount. I looked inside the rack tom shells and didn't see any extra holes, so I don't think it was an aftermarket retro-fit.

By the way, those are some great shells for the price. I don't need them, but would've picked them up if I did.

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Posted on 7 years ago

Can't say I've ever seen that either. Were they 4-ply shells?

Posted on 7 years ago

I just looked at my 1988 Ludwig catalog and it does show some of the Rocker drums with Modular mounts and hardware! Here's a link to the same catalog page at vintagedrumguide...


Posted on 7 years ago

From Mo Tonkie

Can't say I've ever seen that either. Were they 4-ply shells?

I believe so.

Posted on 7 years ago
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