You did a great thing there... thanks for sharing the smiles. As a proud pop myself that all left a grin on my face.
You did a great thing there... thanks for sharing the smiles. As a proud pop myself that all left a grin on my face.
I have as much a right to share my opinion as you do to "share " your little story.
Actually, you don't. This is a Vintage Drum Forum, and as such, stories and tales of wonder and woe are swapped...along with some beechin gear. In all of that, we really don't step on each others toes in this fashion. This is not the place for that. If you don't like the post, move on along and find one you do like. We really do try hard (sometimes very hard) to get along with each other. We work hard to not fight and such. I'm sure you didn't mean any malice with your words. You were just frustrated or tired. It happens. Now, find some cool threads and be a part of a wonderful group of guys ...and gals, as of late...and talk some cool stuff about vintage gear.
Parents today are so over indulgent! I guess working for something and earning it are no longer family values. Any kid gets excited over a chance to make noise. So why does someone think they have to "share" all that? The Romper Room forum would be the best choice for that.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Plexi... ...let me just say that, 15 posts you have made, and one of 'em is this ? ....
FYI, as McJ said ~ this isn't one of those kinda forums where folks are into "flaming" other members just for the sake of it....
I have flagged you to the moderator...my guess is if you keep up this kind of activity, we won't be seeing you around here for very long.....
(and come the day that you have your own kid, maybe you will understand....and then you'll remember this post of yours and feel pretty darn embarrassed about it....)
...of course, as McJ said, you are welcome to behave yourself and actually contribute something constructive to the Forum....
[COLOR="Silver"]"ignore" button, "ignore" button...around here somewhere....[/COLOR]
Thanks guys. I actually changed my original response. It was kinda ugly. I appreciate all of you, and thanks for a great place to hang and share our stories.
Playin, Playin' in the band, daybreak, dayeyeybreak on the land......
The purpose of a internet forum is for people to voice and express their opinion. This goes hand in hand with the American birthright of freedom of speech. Who is to say whose opinion counts and whose doesn't? I was neither tired or frustrated when I made my initial posting, just expressing my thoughts. If people want to "share" their kids, they should go to the appropriate places, not invade adult themed forums or areas with them. This is MY opinion and I realize that others have their own which may or may not coincide. The point is when someone posts and puts it out on the internet, they have no reason to cry about ANY pesponse it might receive.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Well, your opinion is duly noted then.
I would note that this Forum has quite a few teenagers on it. So, perhaps you are mistaken as to the "adult" nature of it. The Forum is open to all who are intresested in having respectful conversation regarding a common passion.
Now, I see this quite often on Forums...people seem to confuse being a member with "my freedom of speech"...and then people confuse that with meaning "I am allowed to say anything I want". All those 3 things are actually not synonymous. This Forum is International; it does not ascribe to any one country's laws (or in this case, severely misinterpreted laws). A Forum has rules and decorum; established by its founders and under their discretion to determine what is appropriate, constructive, valid, and respectful... and what is not. As such, while we are its members, we are also the website hosts' guests.
Now why don't you be one of those respectable Forum members and, as already suggested, go explore and contribute to some other threads..... and allow this very positive, life-affirming one to get back on track ?
We all thank you.[/COLOR]
Your wrong on most of these points.
The internet forum was not designed as a place to login and blast people. That's the job of talk radio.
The ARPANET was strung together to facilitate research and the sharing of ideas. Dialup bulletin boards were the hobbiest end of this. These were the genesis of the forum (along with Usenets and such). NONE of these were developed to provide you a place to login and blast someone at mach speed. You've missed the point.
Second, our Founding Fathers did NOT include in ANY writings your right to express just any old opinion you deem appropriate. If fact, they were very clear that you must base your decisions and actions upon GOD's word. That is the filter that it must pass through prior to leaving your mouth or your pen. If you doubt, research the writings of these great men. Do some in-depth reading and you will discover that most Free Speech advocates have no clue what the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution even say. Nor do they have a clue about the hearts of these great men as expressed through personal letters and articles printed by their own hand.
Third, this is in fact the PERFECT place to post this thread. It is a dad bringing the next generation into the realm of OUR love of drumming. We appreciate these stories and we support them. The fact that his son is playing a nice old kit makes it even more special.
I'm not sure what you expect out of this forum, but you seem to have missed the point of it. Again, I will remind you that if you are looking for a place to learn from and maybe add to, this is a great one. If you want to talk about cool old drums and cymbals and such, you are welcome.
If you came here to throw out disparaging remarks "because you can", then you have logged into the wrong place. Those users are not welcome here.
Thank you.
"God's word",,, Dude are you for real??? First family values now the moral majority? No wonder your so vocal for censorship, the three seem to go hand in hand don't they. I think you miss the point.
If the Founding Fathers were so intent on ruling by religous fanaticism, then they would not have included any seperation of Church and State clauses would they?
"God's word",,, Dude are you for real??? First family values now the moral majority? No wonder your so vocal for censorship, the three seem to go hand in hand don't they. I think you miss the point.If the Founding Fathers were so intent on ruling by religous fanaticism, then they would not have included any seperation of Church and State clauses would they?
Hmmm... God gave me the skill to thump a drum, glad of it too! I gave my grandson his first kit for Christmas. He was two and a half. Now he's six, and actually has a few chops that grandpa has shown him. I'm not sure he'll stick with it, but teaching a kid his age anything that increases his coordination and thinking ability has got to be good. I don't know, plexi. Sounds like there may be a spider or two behind the mask... That's a shame. Life really is too short...
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