Now that the kids just started college, a divorce,the pizzeria was sold,and a work layoff just came in. I thought that it was about time to buy a used drum kit. I have been away from drumming for about 18 years. I bought a older ludwig kit. From the forms that I read over the past week ,I think that I narrowed it down.I would like to put the details out there and ask you all,who have more knowledge in this area.. The discription is , butcher block covering [ in the process of recovering it ] base is 14 x 22 non painted wood inside with a ink stamp of 86 on inside, it has a keystone badge ser# 3138765........ tt 8 x 12 no paint or stamp inside b/o badge with corner points ser#1528910 tt 9 x 13 no paint or stamp inside b/o badge with corner points ser# 1528911 tt 10x14 no paint or stamp inside b/o badge with corner points ser# 1528914 ft 16x16 no paint or stamp inside b/o badge with corner points ser# 1528915 so these are the facts. This is what I figure, but I really need more input. The base is a 1986 as the stamp and uguly butcher block was avalible at that time. From me reading, I think the era for the toms and floor tom is between,1969 to 1978 , but what about the kit its self ? What name was it if any ? As I looked over the different kit names and drum size and options, I can come up with a few that could fit based on the drum sizes, like the 1980's big beat sporting the 22,12,13,and 16 ...or the 1970's big beat also sporting the same 22,12,13,and 16......or the 1970's mach 5 which also sported the same 22,12,13,and 16...but hold on...where did the 14 tom come from , was this just a later add on by the previous buyer ? but the serial # is in sequence with the other toms..The only other option that I can think of is that the 1980's COMBO 2 kit is the only kit that offers an optional 14 " tom, but that can't be either because the tom ser # that i see are listed 2 or 3 years prior. Wow I have a headache. If any one can hone in the year and the kit better I shure would like to know. Thanks, judd