Hi. I have recently got some premier 'beer barrel' cast hoops for a drum I am building, and I wanted to share a bit of info on the cast verses triple flanged thang...
Unfortunately, the first set I 'won' for £20 were 50% warped (the batter side hoop), soI ended up getting some better ones (which have sexier curves, I may add) these are 60's/70's and completely straight and super chromey.
The reason I bought these was because I wanted to have a cast hoops for the deadening qualities they possess... rather than a flanged hoop which rings when hit (off the drum), I was hoping for a thud, like cast hoops 'should' do...
When I had both the triple flanged and cast hoops off the drum, I thought I'd try this test out...
Well, the Premier hoops carried on ringing far longer than the triple flanged ones do, so.. hmm. I'm still building this Steel shell, with a Evans Heavyweight top and hazy 300 bottom, and pure sound 24 wires, and have been using it in between mods, with the cast snare side hoop and the triple flanged batter hoop, but the new snare side head arrives tomorrow, so, all will be clear, It is so easy to tune with the cast hoops, but it definitely has a long rrrrrrrring to it.. I'm experimenting with tuning, with tight snareside head or looser snare side head, etc.. ad infinitum.
Im liking these hoops a LOT though, and although they remind me of my stupidly sold HIFI snare that was my first snare, I am pleased to re-discover them again.
All the best.