Hi. I came across this rare 17" snare drum and am attempting to restore it. It appears that the top hoop actually belongs on the bottom. It also has two small holes drilled to the left of where the strainer mounts, between the top strainer mounting hole and the badge grommet hole, but there was nothing mounted there when it came into my possession. Does anyone know what belongs there? And, where might I find a top hoop and hooks for this? Any help more closely identifying the manufacture date would also be appreciated. Thank you.[IMG]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10340009_865531520141944_381881567111714844_n.jpg[/IMG]
So far, I have stripped three colors of paint off this and, since it is a pretty Maple shell, am applying a hand-rubbed clear coat to it.