I have an orphaned 16" Premier Floor tom. It has 1 die cast hoop and 1 triple flange hoop. The chrome is in pretty good shape, although everything needs a good cleaning.

I am looking for a 14" Premier floor tom from the early-mid 70's. The color is not important and a mutt would be fine since my other drums had been rewrapped previously and I would rather not rewrap a nice drum. I am looking for a mahogany drum with the re-rings to match the tone of the other drums I have - 22, 12, 16.

I am not sure of the color on the 16". It looks more pearlish in color, The picture was taken inside my garage and came out a little more yellowish than it actually looks. I can post additional outdoor pictures if you need some.

If the value of your drum is worth more than mine, I am sure we can work something out so it is fair to everyone.

If you have just a 14" shell or even a complete drum, but don't want the 16", let me know what you have and want and maybe we can do a cash / other gear deal.
