I have a Star/Majestic 14x14 floor tom in blue sparkle, they actually called it blue flash because it is more of a glass glitter than a sparkle. It is in almost perfect condition, shell is early light colored Asian mahogany 3 ply w/re-rings (total of 3, maple) and new heads. Fat roundover edges in immaculate condition, kissed ever so lightly with 220 grit sandpaper to make them smooth as a babies bottom.

I would like to trade it for a WMP Star made 14x14 in similar condition. I will keep my legs as they have high end feets on them and you can keep yours, all I need is a good shell with excellent wrap. Prefer it to be nicely mellowed WMP and must be 3 ply w/re-rings as well, and please, it must be complete with all lugs and hoops in very good condition. If you don't have new heads on yours, keep the heads and I will keep mine. Sorry, but I am not looking to trade down at all. When I ask for similar condition, I truly mean similar condition as this is truly a nice drum. I have not modified it my usual manner of lacquering since I knew I would likely be using it as trade fodder in the future, which is now... No 6 ply shells, please.