AQUARIAN!!!Please do yourself a favor and try Aquarian. They do not use glue to bind their drumheads to the collar so you will not get a "dead" head. Check out this page.
Ummm....actually they do use glue to mount the head to the hoop. Eye Ball
The difference is in the type of glue and the fact that the hoop has a special channel in it to help said glue keep from pulling out. I think the dead issue in question with Remo has more to do with the particular mylar they are using now as opposed to the glueing method though. The mylar that Aquarian uses just seems to sound better to my ears. Plus they have that "sound curve" thing going on, whereas Remo has a particular edge to there heads.....the Aquarians seem to be more forgiving when seating and tuning up than Remos do.