Bobby Cee!...
Okay... now I see where you are going with this! That said...
The COB will never sound like ANY wood drum, regardless of edges... beds... etc. Again this has to do with the completely and totally different make-ups of the shells, and I know you know that too! So...
Regarding the "cutting down" of the Fullerton era Powertone: Rogers was pretty consistent on their shell design/make-up over the years, even after the move out to Fullerton, CA. Most all Rogers snare drums shared the same shell! That said: The "cut down" Fullerton parade drum and your Holiday will sound pretty much the same IF... IF... they have the same shell ply/make-up. I don't know what year your Holiday is, but if it's mid 60's say, it would be a 5 ply w/rings, and so would the Fullerton Powertone. The drums would sound pretty much the same. If your Holiday is an EARLIER model, it would have a 3 ply shell w/rings, and be at a naturally LOWER fundamental pitch than the Fullerton at 5 plies, thus sound a bit "deeper" in pitch regardless of heads/tension. Also...
The Rogers student model in WMP is around a 1964 or so, thus probably has the 5 ply shell w/rings, and will sound darn close if not real close to the slightly "higher end" Luxor. "Higger end" in quotes as the Luxor was still an entry level snare drum, but with slightly higher end hoops/throw. The shells however, were identical. With your upgrading the hoops... yeah ... a nice 6 lug player!