Well....I've changed direction on my Leedy & Ludwig project. I was originally going to make a 1920's traps set, so I purchased a couple of chinese toms and a mount for one of them from a fellow forum member with the original intent being this traps kit. Well.......things have changed as I have found an 8x12 Leedy & Ludwig tom from 1953, a 9x13 Leedy tom from 1948, and a 16x16 Leedy floor tom from 1949. So.....Leedy Dancemaster kit it is!
In which case I have decided to sell both of the chinese toms and the mount, since there won't be enough room on the bass drum for all these drums! LoLoLoLo
One of the toms was painted with silver paint. This was the way I got it, and the way the previous owner got it. I haven't figured out a way to remove it without damaging the artwork paint under it so I left it be. The other tom is in original condition. The mount I am told is a Leedy mount and I've posted pics of the toms, the mount, and how the mount holds the toms.
PM me if interested. :D