Quick question on tom mounting options using a virgin bass drum. So, I usually use just two toms - one up and one down, which is of course the correct number of toms, but I'm entertaining the idea of using two 12" rack toms, just for a change and I'm wondering if that would work if they were on snare stands? I would like the two toms as close together as possible, without actually touching each other. I was thinking that maybe one, or both should be mounted off cymbal stands, but I don't like to do that because I use vintage flat based stands that are probably not the sturdiest for mounting 12" rack toms off. I do have some double-braced, modern stands, but they're no use for vintage cymbals with the smaller bore hole, whereas, you can put both modern and vintage cymbals on the old stands. Anyone out there mount two toms without using the bass drum or an insightly rack system?
Cheers for any info. And sorry in advance if there were any spelling or grammatical errors. I don't have time to proof read and I ain't got no learning and I always make errors. I'm just going to assume there's an error or two in there. Ha ha.