A canister drum throne is the most comfortable seat in the house when playing a drum set. I came to this realization long after I played my last money gig, and began collecting and rehabbing vintage drums. Early in my collecting years I acquired a couple Ludwig canister thrones and a Rogers canister throne that were not very comfortable for two reasons. Firstly, the standard height of these thrones were too tall for my short stature. Secondly, the 12" diameter with lightly padded seat tops seemed to be insufficient for my "matured" body. I sold or traded these thrones for vintage drums. The Rogers throne was a swap for a great four piece vintage Slingerland set.
My good friend, the late Jim Petty had a solution. Jim was making canister thrones that could be customized for individual customers. I had just acquired a Rogers champagne sparkle set. I visited Jim at the store where he did drum repair for a 22 store regional chain of stores. This was before he struck out on his own with JP2 Creations. Jim showed me the thrones he was making that were 14" in diameter made from Keller shells. He could cut the shell length from long tubes to meet the requirement of an individual drummer. He could also wrap the throne in any available color. The throne he made for me is shorter and wider than the standard canister thrones offered by the leading drum manufacturers. The throne is 21" tall which includes a 3" thick foam seat covered in a soft and thick blue cloth. I had Jim wrap the throne in Bermuda sand since that was the closest to the champagne sparkle of my drum set. Here are some pictures of my favorite drum throne of all time.Obne picture shows the throne with the Rogers set. Another photo shows the custom throne nest to a standard issue Ludwig throne. The third photo shows a fiber case that will perfectly hold the throne and a snare drum up to 5" deep.