Know what's kinda funny, when I turn the bottom adjustment screws, the beater head goes closer or further away from the head at rest. No click either. The pedal floats or bounces when you take your foot off. I don't have my kit set up but I believe I could go from touching the head to back to the click sound before foot off..... that's what I hate, too loose and it goes back to clicking. I solved it by learning the screw positions. I love that it's solid drive but hate the hook part to the knuckle.
When you look at the physics of how the pedal and the cam is put together, there can only be a limited amount of adjustment by adjusting the pressure of the spring against the cam. I’ve tried the screws fully in and fully out and everywhere in between, but the beater doesn’t really move that much. I love how the pedal looks and I love the design but I don’t find using it that enjoyable. I wish I did!