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This is the Display Your Camco Drums Thread

Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

From Dan Boucher

The 3 D finish Camco used made for an eye popping look. I've often wondered what it would look like under stage lights.

They look stunning under stage lights. In the early 1960s I went to see a band that played in the same area as our band. The drummer was playing a Camco set covered in White 3-D Moire. A couple of years later, that drummer was my replacement when I went into the army. By then he was playing some other drum set and I was playing my blue sparkle Camcos. Camco was fairly popular in our area probably because the Oaklawn factory was as close--actually closer--to where we lived and played as the Ludwig and Slingerland factories. The Gretsch warehouse was also very close to us. We were very fortunate.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 4 years ago

Ah, and alongside the venerable Dynasonic! Great matchup of great drum makers.

Posted on 4 years ago

Not my Camcos, but you Camco fans may enjoy this one. I'll them Everly Camcos. Everly Brothers on the Ed Sullivan show backed up by some nice sounding Camcos in a natural finish.

[ame=""]The Everly Brothers "Walk Right Back" on The Ed Sullivan Show - YouTube[/ame]

(Don't go getting a big head over this. I think I've seen them backed up on Rogers too.)

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Posted on 4 years ago
Posts: 350 Threads: 33

From Dan Boucher

Ah, and alongside the venerable Dynasonic! Great matchup of great drum makers.


I am the second owner of this players kit that was originally bought new in Anchorage, Alaska in 1965, however there are aspects of this kit which lead me to strongly believe that it was made a few years earlier.

I used my '68 Dyna because I needed to play some super soft rolls and articulation for that concert. I am VERY interested in finding a matching Aristocrat in Blue Moire or at least a 701/Super 99 that is "all there", so if anyone has one, I'm interested.


1974-75 Rogers Starlighter IV New England White 13/16/22 (w/Dyna)
1964-67 Rogers Blue Glass Glitter 12/14/16/20
early Oaklawn Camco Blue Moire 12/14/20
1926 Super Ludwig 5x14
1960-ish Ludwig COB 5x14 Super Sensitive
1960-ish Ludwig COB 6.5x14 Super Sensitive
1970 Ludwig COB Cut-Badge 5x14 Supra Phonic

Looking for a Camco Aristocrat SD in Blue Moire!!
Posted on 4 years ago
Posts: 350 Threads: 33

This could be that drummer. Anybody Recognize him??

1974-75 Rogers Starlighter IV New England White 13/16/22 (w/Dyna)
1964-67 Rogers Blue Glass Glitter 12/14/16/20
early Oaklawn Camco Blue Moire 12/14/20
1926 Super Ludwig 5x14
1960-ish Ludwig COB 5x14 Super Sensitive
1960-ish Ludwig COB 6.5x14 Super Sensitive
1970 Ludwig COB Cut-Badge 5x14 Supra Phonic

Looking for a Camco Aristocrat SD in Blue Moire!!
Posted on 4 years ago
Posts: 2264 Threads: 83

From leedybdp

Speaking of maybe posting something earlier in this thread, I don't remember if I had posted any pictures of the Camco Tuxedo snare I acquired out of sheer coincidence after wrapping some orphan Leedy drums to make a little bop set. The Camco snare is all original.

Those are stunning. I did find an older pic of my Camco snare. Some guy did a musical in California about Dennis Wilson and wanted my Camcos. I wish he would have brought the musical to Eastern USA.

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The greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. - Joyce Meyer
Posted on 3 years ago
1960-61 ludwig sky blue pearl 22/16/12
1967 ludwig acrolite snare
1972 ludwig vistalite clear 22/14/13/14 matching snare
1970's MIJ tempro pro snare
Posted on 3 years ago


Here are mine after restoring/re-wrapping them. 20, 12, 12, 14, 5X14 snare. There is a fun story behind these, but when I got them they were stripped and only one bass drum hoop was left with a blue sparkle inlay. There were no badges. I always wanted a set in this white 3D finish and was fortunate to find it. I dated them to Oaklawn era by the COB hoops and Rogers collets still saying patent pending. Its a rough guess, but I am fairly confident in the date range. A few years later I came across a set of George Ways with the same bass drum hoop style, same shell construction, same COB hoops, and similar sizes (20, 12, 14, 4.5X14 snare) in blue sparkle.

Posted on 3 years ago
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