I just received the Ludwig 12" tom that goes with my bop kit. It looks good and now the kit is complete. I probably won't use it much, but it's nice to have it.
Ludwig Tom
nice to have the complete kit what year are those again?
looks likenew
5 pc. is fun. Have more melodic ideas. Put the 13 to the left of the 12 and really get to Melody town....
Also (I've not been able to accomplish this but..) if you can find the L-arm "ball" that Fits the old tom brackets (big 'if..)
you can...switch out the oh fashioned center post with a Rocker Type.
makes adjusting "wrench" free. and life a bit more pleasant +/-
I never found the L-arm's that fit into the (small) hole of the old brackets.. But I've heard some say 'tis possible....
I just found your original post on of the rest the of kit that is in such nice condition. The "bowling ball" oyster black is very nice especially in person
Ya, I love this kit, I'd post a video, but I know that's frowned upon around here.:confused:
5 pc. is fun. Have more melodic ideas. Put the 13 to the left of the 12 and really get to Melody town....Also (I've not been able to accomplish this but..) if you can find the L-arm "ball" that Fits the old tom brackets (big 'if..) you can...switch out the oh fashioned center post with a Rocker Type. makes adjusting "wrench" free. and life a bit more pleasant +/-I never found the L-arm's that fit into the (small) hole of the old brackets.. But I've heard some say 'tis possible....https://www.google.com/search?q=ludwig+rocker+double+tom+mount&sxsrf=ACYBGNTDccqY8X7ki0eBoqU5MVgrFzIg6Q:1578534583662&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1u__Is_XmAhUlZN8KHV2zCR0Q_AUoAnoECAsQBA&biw=1094&bih=486#imgrc=qII8tnM3MJTWlM:
Ludwig and Gibraltar make the 9.5mm ball arms. I’ve got the Ludwig.
Currently looking for a 3-ply 24x14 Ludwig in champagne sparkle w/rail consolette and cymbal mount!
Nice job on keeping the original drums together. You can configure them any way you prefer, but, in years to come, some future collector will appreciate the completeness of a genuine, matched, Ludwig, named configuration, rather than having one incomplete set and an orphaned tom.
"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Ya, I love this kit, I'd post a video, but I know that's frowned upon around here.:confused:
Now JR ... seriously?! How many vids and clips have you posted of yourself playing your various sets on the VDF? The answer: MANY! Now how many of those vid/clips have been taken down or deleted? The answer: NONE! So ... what we "frown upon" with regard to personal playing vids/clips would be aimed at those that would just post vids of themselves playing their drums, and feeling the need to post it ... all of the time. As I mentioned in a different thread, exceptions to this rule have been made, and this is what I meant by that. Hopefully a bit of light was shed here! Carry on! .. or is it carrion?!
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