I dunno.Interesting theory and could be. What I would say is there is a common sound between Old Turkish K and American Boston USA Zildjian. Moreso than (Istanbul Bosphorus Paiste et al) has. There's something in the Brotherhood there..between the two continents' Zildjians. That's clear as a bell. Istanbuls/Bosphorus don't sound like old K Zildjians. But a Computer-coded, near all machine made Avedis K captures more of the sound of an Old K than the traditional Modern Turkish makers do..
Modern Turkish makers capture the soft organic feel. But American K extracts the aural even if artificially and machine-coded- in.
So there's something in and about Zildjian. They USA Zildjian can hear and program machines. Modern Turks care more about and tout the age old process.
That's why guys are so Effed up about cymbals today.
American Zildjian knowswhat Old K sounded like ......but insist making them with machines.
Turks today, make cymbals the old Way but can't, won't or don't ....pay any reference... to the old Sound.
Limited to some peripheral aspects of the old K.
It's a Turkish stand off.
Maybe old ks sounded they way they did because they were Armenian.
It's as good a theory as any.