Hi there
I'm hoping that the Luddy experts here can enlighten me regarding the serial numbers that appears on the badges of the Ludwig kits from the 60's.
I had always assumed that vintage drums of that era that had originally been sold as a set would be expected to have serial numbers in fairly close proximity to one another but I have recently read how some factory kits had completely mismatched serials and some newer pieces had serials suggesting older fabrication dates. I've also read that supposedly the badges were in a box and that the builders just grabbed any of them and put them on the drums. In other words, they are not sequential.
I am curious to hear what the experts here have to say on this and if this can be confirmed as I am currently looking to buy a vintage Ludwig kit and have seen a couple of kits for sale in recent months from the mid to late 60's where the rack tom, floor tom, and kick drum all feature wide ranging serial numbers, and judging by the info and time chart on the Ludwig website, spanning a 3 year period. Could a set of drums with such wide ranging serial numbers have originally been sold as a matching kit in the 60's?