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What would be a good asking price?


I have some random old shells laying around and I may bring them to life.

None of the drums have any lugs, hoops etc.

22" Ludwig Rocker kick (USA made)

16" Rogers Holiday floor tom

12" Ludwig B/O 70's rack tom

I plan on buying cheap donor kit for the hardware (probably an old kit priced around $100). I will probably cover it in green or maybe red sparkle wrap. I think I would sell it with no stands/cymbals..just a shell kit. What would be a good price to ask? I would like to make some money for the time and effort in rehabbing these drums. I'm worried I wouldn't come out with much profit, but would like to bring these drums back to life and not sit in my shed.

Posted on 5 years ago

Is there a wrap existing on the Rogers FT? Always interested...


Tama Superstar 81 Aqua bop
Rogers Cleveland BDP (x2), Silver bop, Champagne, Black/Gold Duco, WMP, Blue sparkle; Dayton Red Onyx;
Camco Oaklawn 12 14 20 5x14 Tuxedo WMP
LW 59 SC Blue Sparkle, WMP
WFL Gold Sparkle SC, WMP Compacto
Gretsch 49/50 Broadkaster WMP
Fibes Copper Forte
Remo MasterEdge Bop, Gold Crown, Mondo
Slingerland Conway Black Satin
70's MIJ Del Ray, my first and fav ok I'm lying here
Way Too Many Snares, She Says
Posted on 5 years ago

From levelpebble

Is there a wrap existing on the Rogers FT? Always interested...

I have already removed it. It was white and had major damage/cracks

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 1462 Threads: 87

Cost of the wrap will be couple of hundred with the donor shells. Likely mean drilling for different lugs. No vintage value, especially if you drill to fit your donor tom mounting hardware. Likely the shells are worth more unwrapped and sold individually to someone who want one to complete their own project.

Posted on 5 years ago

They shells are already wrapless because of damaged wraps. A couple have extra holes already. I wouldn't be selling them as collector quality or anything. Just an all USA made vintage kit that is unique. I'm not expecting a ton out of them...just curious what price people on the forum would think would be a good starting price.

Posted on 5 years ago

Seems like a lot of work for little return.

How about cleaning up the bare shells and selling them as is? Maybe somebody that needs them to complete a kit can finish them as they like. $100 for BD, $75 for floor tom and 50 for rack tom, or thereabouts, as is. See if you get any bites. If you don't you can always try your way by refinishing them.

Posted on 5 years ago

I understand the reasoning on seperating them out and just selling the shells but I want to put a kit together. I enjoy drum projects and such. Just wanting some ideas on what would be a good price to ask for them. I know they won't be worth what a matching original vintage kit would be. I would be selling them with a generic snare and stand as well.

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 6288 Threads: 375

For me, the problem is not only how much it will cost to do the project, but also who would want to buy the project when it's finished?

Posted on 5 years ago

From kevins

For me, the problem is not only how much it will cost to do the project, but also who would want to buy the project when it's finished?

Obviously you wouldn't want to buy it by your comment, but that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't. Personally, if I was looking to by a unique kit and liked USA vintage drums over entry level new stuff that was around the same price, I would buy it. If no one wants it, I would be glad to keep it anyway Yes Sir I'm figuring out that this post was pretty pointless as I wasn't asking for opinions on if I should do the project, rather, I was asking what good starting price would be to ask. Is there a way to delete this post? lol

Posted on 5 years ago

Move ahead with the project, keep track of all your expenses, add on what you feel is an appropriate amount of profit and that's the price to ask. What kevins and the others are saying is you are building a one off kit for a very limited audience. People get upside down on these types of projects all the time. Keep us informed of the progress. I like the green sparkle idea. Good luck.

Posted on 5 years ago
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