I am sorry guys, but you just can't compare this to Grandma's house. Unless grandma had really good taste and friends at Delmar, Flooring Division.
Beautiful, or just grandma’s linoleum? Last viewed: 34 minutes ago
Tama Superstar 81 Aqua bop
Rogers Cleveland BDP (x2), Silver bop, Champagne, Black/Gold Duco, WMP, Blue sparkle; Dayton Red Onyx;
Camco Oaklawn 12 14 20 5x14 Tuxedo WMP
LW 59 SC Blue Sparkle, WMP
WFL Gold Sparkle SC, WMP Compacto
Gretsch 49/50 Broadkaster WMP
Fibes Copper Forte
Remo MasterEdge Bop, Gold Crown, Mondo
Slingerland Conway Black Satin
70's MIJ Del Ray, my first and fav ok I'm lying here
Way Too Many Snares, She Says
You can keep your stinkin' bowling ball Ludwig. I'll gladly take Star Trek Transporter Satin Flame Slingerland or Leedy.
jmcohen has nailed it!
"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Ohio Valley
I used to think that the “Bowling Ball” version of Black Oyster Pearl looked like the linoleum on my grandma’s kitchen floor. But now...https://www.ebay.com/itm/1970-Ludwig-Black-Oyster-Pearl-Bowling-ball-Drum-Set-Ludwigs-Bowlingball-Kit/123750465240?hash=item1cd01a3ed8:g:kQQAAOSw3KNcxvtpI keep going back to look at this set. It’s kind of grabbing me now.Is this finish beautiful, or hideous, or what? I’m on the fence. Somebody push me!!Josh
I think it looks really cool.
Ohio Valley
So John (Levelpebble), I imagine those are yours. What do you think of the sound of those maple Ludwigs?
Those plastic sheets came with or without opaque white backing. Lots of store displays were made with the unbacked sheet goods. Drums were wrapped with the opaque backing on the wrap. Often times, the shells were painted to make the satin flame more lively with no wood grain peeking through.
So John (Levelpebble), I imagine those are yours. What do you think of the sound of those maple Ludwigs?Josh
Yes they are mine, my first Hollywood. Always had 13 16 22 Ludwig's up to this point. Nothing beats that 3 ply sound! Although I will be selling them after a while, as I can't keep them all.
Tama Superstar 81 Aqua bop
Rogers Cleveland BDP (x2), Silver bop, Champagne, Black/Gold Duco, WMP, Blue sparkle; Dayton Red Onyx;
Camco Oaklawn 12 14 20 5x14 Tuxedo WMP
LW 59 SC Blue Sparkle, WMP
WFL Gold Sparkle SC, WMP Compacto
Gretsch 49/50 Broadkaster WMP
Fibes Copper Forte
Remo MasterEdge Bop, Gold Crown, Mondo
Slingerland Conway Black Satin
70's MIJ Del Ray, my first and fav ok I'm lying here
Way Too Many Snares, She Says
There were transitional versions of the black and blue "bowling ball" wraps when they first appeared (around 1969-70) where the white areas were still sort of pearl looking and those both still look pretty cool, though a lot different than the earlier all pearl versions. Within a year or so, for whatever reason, they changed again so that the white areas were a solid opaque white and those are the wraps that strongly resemble linoleum.
K.O., I was just figuring that out! I’ve seen some that have absolutely zero “3-Dimensionality” to them - they just look flat. At first, I was thinking that they were just not shiny, but your explanation confirms an opinion I was forming.
John’s drums look spectacular in their depth, with a bit of silvery gray in them.
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