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The 5 snares every drummer should own-The "Iconic" Snares



I was thinking about this question after the "Most Recorded Snare" thread that was posted recently. If you had to name five snare drums that every drummer should have, what would you say?

This isn't necessarily YOUR 5 favorite snares, but other considerations should be factored in, like popularity, longevity in the market place, versatility, famous endorsers etc. You know, the "Iconic" factor! :cool:

Considering the points above, for me, of the 5 snares every drummer should have, 3 of them would be basically no brainers: A Ludwig Supraphonic, A Ludwig Black Beauty and a Ludwig Acrolite. Those all fit the popularity, versatility and longevity (and iconic) factors to a T.

My fourth would be a Rogers Dynasonic, and I'm not sure what my fifth would be. Slingerland Radio King? Slingerland Sound King? Some other "Boutique" type snare, like a Brady Jarrah or a Craviotto? Yamaha brass piccolo (popularized by Vinnie and Weckl)? Fibes (popularized by Buddy)? Pearl Jupiter (Copeland)? Ludwig Super Sensitive? Jazz Fest? Pioneer? It's tough choice, at least for me. I'm going to say a Radio King to round out my five.

How about your five?

Posted on 5 years ago

For me it is no particular order:

Pearl Jupiter 6.5x14

Pearl free floater 6.5x14 (versatility) brass or maple rings

Ludwig Supraphonic 6.5x14 keystone badge with baseball bat muffle throw

Gretsch 4160 cob round or 1st Gen SSB

Rogers Dynasonic wood Cleveland era

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 5295 Threads: 226

Here is my list:

1) Rogers Superten

2) Ludwig Supra

3) Ludwig Acrolite

4) Slingerland Hollywood Ace

5) Sonor D506


1976 Ludwig Mach 4 Thermogloss 26-18-14-14sn
1978 Ludwig Stainless 22-22-18-16-14-13-12 c/w 6-8-10-12-13-14-15-16-18-20-22-24 concert toms
1975 Sonor Phonic Centennials Metallic Pewter 22-16-13-12-14sn (D506)
1971 Ludwig Classic Bowling Ball OBP 22-16-14-13
1960's Stewart Peacock Pearl 20-16-12-14sn
1980`s Ludwig Coliseum Piano Black 8x14 snare
1973 Rogers Superten 5x14 & 6.5x14 COS snares
1970`s John Grey Capri Aquamarine Sparkle 5x14 snare
1941 Ludwig & Ludwig Super 8x14 snare
Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 111 Threads: 17

mine, to play traditional jazz, some of them i do not own anymore...

1) Slingerland Radio King

2) Gretsch Round Badge

3) Leedy and Strupe 1930's

4) Ludwig 1920's Solid shell

5) Ludwig 1920's Black Beauty


Posted on 5 years ago

An Acrolite, a 402, a Jazz Fest and a 5-inch Black Beauty.


Currently looking for a 3-ply 24x14 Ludwig in champagne sparkle w/rail consolette and cymbal mount!
Posted on 5 years ago

From vyacheslav

Greetings,I was thinking about this question after the "Most Recorded Snare" thread that was posted recently. If you had to name five snare drums that every drummer should have, what would you say? This isn't necessarily YOUR 5 favorite snares, but other considerations should be factored in, like popularity, longevity in the market place, versatility, famous endorsers etc. You know, the "Iconic" factor! :cool:Considering the points above, for me, of the 5 snares every drummer should have, 3 of them would be basically no brainers: A Ludwig Supraphonic, A Ludwig Black Beauty and a Ludwig Acrolite. Those all fit the popularity, versatility and longevity (and iconic) factors to a T.My fourth would be a Rogers Dynasonic, and I'm not sure what my fifth would be. Slingerland Radio King? Slingerland Sound King? Some other "Boutique" type snare, like a Brady Jarrah or a Craviotto? Yamaha brass piccolo (popularized by Vinnie and Weckl)? Fibes (popularized by Buddy)? Pearl Jupiter (Copeland)? Ludwig Super Sensitive? Jazz Fest? Pioneer? It's tough choice, at least for me. I'm going to say a Radio King to round out my five.How about your five?

In the '60s my one and only snare drum back then was a 5x14 Ludwig Supraphonic.

Posted on 5 years ago

From TheElectricCompany

An Acrolite, a 402, a Jazz Fest and a 5-inch Black Beauty.

Thats only four!

Stop stringing and tuning your instrument, make music now.
-fortune cookie

Vintage Drums:
1970ish Ludwig Standard Avocado Strata downbeat
1970ish Star Acrylic 22,12,13,16
1950’s Gretsch tympani 26.5
19?? Sonor roto-tympani 13x12
70’s Ludwig Standard alum 14x5 snare
90’s Arbiter Adv. Tuning 12x5 snare
90’s Ludwig blackrolite 14x5 snare

Modern Drums:
Erie Drums 1-ply sycamore shell kit 18,10,13
Erie 1-ply maple 14x5 snare
Tama S.L.P. Acrylic 14x6.5 snare
Posted on 5 years ago

Given that the original post is not necessarily indicative of my personal list, but a general cross section of snares based on versatility, usage, and desirability, I'd have to say:

Ludwig Supra 6.5"

Slingerland Radio King

Rogers Dynasonic

Ludwig Acrolite 5"

Yamaha brass piccolo

Some of these I own, some I don't :) I think you could cover a lot of sonic ground with these, and still have a collection that is desirable from a collector standpoint.

Ohio Valley
Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

I think that I already own the five snare drums that will offer me the sounds I seek for any type of music except for marching band playing. They are: 1) Leedy 5x14 Shelly Manne wood shell; (2) Camco Tuxedo 5x14 wood shell; ((3) Slingerland 4x13 wood shell Radio King; (4) Walberg & Auge Perfection 5x14 wood shell; (5) And, just because I might occasionally want a metal shelled snare drum--Rogers Powertone 5x14 chrome over brass. I would also keep a desperation spare snare drum in the car just in case something bad happens with my choice of drum for the gig along with an extra bass drum pedal and hi-hat stand . That would probably be my 5x14 Blakro Ludwig.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 5 years ago

From Mr.Toast

Thats only four!

A wildcard for the fifth spot, then. :)

[ame=""]A&F Drum Co. 6x28 GONG Snare Open Low Tuning - YouTube[/ame]


Currently looking for a 3-ply 24x14 Ludwig in champagne sparkle w/rail consolette and cymbal mount!
Posted on 5 years ago
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