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How is the Remo Classic Fit?


I didn't see a thread on this.

The remo classic fit is supposed to have a thinner collar.

My club date has a modern remo bass drum head and it pops out quite a bit from the hoop. Even touching the tension rod. I'm ordering the classic fit so it will hopefully be flush.

Anyone have experience with the classic fit?

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 728 Threads: 92


I recently put these on a couple of 60’s Ludwig and Slingerland floor toms that I have always had problems tuning and the drums just opened right up. Hope the heads work for you as well!


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin
Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 350 Threads: 33

Although I have not physically compared the "Classic Fit" to their regular line, I hear various descriptions on exactly what is different (i.e. over-sized, thinner collar).

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe what has been done is that Remo has produced a thinner flesh hoop to gain more distance from the shell of the drum (and perhaps a slightly longer collar?). Therefore, the outer diameter of the heads hasn't really changed, but more wiggle room has been provided.

1974-75 Rogers Starlighter IV New England White 13/16/22 (w/Dyna)
1964-67 Rogers Blue Glass Glitter 12/14/16/20
early Oaklawn Camco Blue Moire 12/14/20
1926 Super Ludwig 5x14
1960-ish Ludwig COB 5x14 Super Sensitive
1960-ish Ludwig COB 6.5x14 Super Sensitive
1970 Ludwig COB Cut-Badge 5x14 Supra Phonic

Looking for a Camco Aristocrat SD in Blue Moire!!
Posted on 5 years ago

I'd been waiting like forever for an oversized head to fit my 1940s Krupa model radio king snare, with standard modern heads being a tight fit.- So I ordered one of these and - wow, the drum has opened right up, it has never sounded better, and getting even tuning is easy. Recently I took the plunge and got a Majetone calf batter head for it and and also didn't know what I was missing. ( I also got this made slightly oversized), So yes, the remo Classic fit is a long awaited and much needed winner.Yes Sir

I love the jazz era
Posted on 5 years ago

Although I have not physically compared the "Classic Fit" to their regular line, I hear various descriptions on exactly what is different (i.e. over-sized, thinner collar).Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe what has been done is that Remo has produced a thinner flesh hoop to gain more distance from the shell of the drum (and perhaps a slightly longer collar?). Therefore, the outer diameter of the heads hasn't really changed, but more wiggle room has been provided.

This is EXACTLY what Remo has accomplished with the Classic Fit head. The overall diameter hasn't changed, but the "flesh hoop", which is the metal hoop, is thinner on its inside diameter. I've heard nothing but good things about fitment with difficult drums!


Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 2212 Threads: 95

Do they make them in a PS3?

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 2212 Threads: 95

Nobody knows?

Posted on 5 years ago
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