I've been cleaning up a used PDP FS set to resell in spring. In my market, sets sell much easier with a couple of cymbals, so over the weekend I hit all the local pawn shops, looking for some cheap Zildjian ZBTs
I mostly struck out, but at one shop I came across a set of three cymbals being sold together at a very low price. At first (based on the price) I thought they were just ZBTs that had been polished and the ink rubbed off. So I bought them, brought them home, and didn't look at them again until last night.
My first clue: these cymbals are much heavier than student-grade cymbals. They've been polished a lot, and the logos are worn. I took photos of the logos, and looking through the links here, I think I've bought the following:
[*]18" 1970s Zildjian, 1875 grams.
[*]18" 1980s Zildjian, 2125 grams.
[*]22" 1950s(?) Zildjian, over 3000 grams (my scale stops at 3000.)
How much did I pay for all three? $29.95 plus local sales tax. Yes, I'm sitting here, wondering if I should go buy lottery tickets! Obvously these cymbals will NOT go on the PDP set!
I've attached photos of all three. If anybody can tell me more about them, I'd love to learn!