Ok, so working on my 3rd kit here, first was a 5 piece 72' Vistalite, second (current) is an early 70's WMP which I need a 16" FT if anyone has one, and FINALLY I found this 1970 Black Panther Pro 3 piece 22 16 13 'restored' kit from a prominent man here in town...Painted not vinyl.. He says his parents bought him this kit in April 1970 at the Chicago Store in Tuscson Az... Question #1: Is it possible these 6ply shells could be early prototype or was Ludwig making any heavier shells in 1970? The BO Badges have NO SERIAL Numbers... the rack tom is 12" DEEP....bass drum 15" deep... thoughts from the Peanut Gallery??
Calling all 70's Ludwig Shell Experts Last viewed: 6 minutes ago
Not likely from anytime prior to 1977(ish). Also not black panther if it isn't the tolex type of fabric wrap. Either black lacquer or black cortex (Formica type wrap). Sizes would lead me to believe these are later than 77, more like 79-81. B/O badges would be from sometime prior to 1984 . Are they rounded or sharp cornered?
I'd say his memory of the purchase date is probably around a decade off.
Yes, isn't that a modular mount plate (triangular) we see inside the small tom? If so, early 80s purchase, not early 70s.
Tama Superstar 81 Aqua bop
Rogers Cleveland BDP (x2), Silver bop, Champagne, Black/Gold Duco, WMP, Blue sparkle; Dayton Red Onyx;
Camco Oaklawn 12 14 20 5x14 Tuxedo WMP
LW 59 SC Blue Sparkle, WMP
WFL Gold Sparkle SC, WMP Compacto
Gretsch 49/50 Broadkaster WMP
Fibes Copper Forte
Remo MasterEdge Bop, Gold Crown, Mondo
Slingerland Conway Black Satin
70's MIJ Del Ray, my first and fav ok I'm lying here
Way Too Many Snares, She Says
rounded badges ...no Serial Numbers on badges...
yes, they were repainted so the 'Panther' finish was also a mistake...
The grommet on that badge looks a little too big, but it's hard to tell since the photo is out of focus. Not having a serial number is odd for round badges. They might be reproduction badges.
Currently looking for a 3-ply 24x14 Ludwig in champagne sparkle w/rail consolette and cymbal mount!
Zach I think you are right.,... looking at my WMP the grommets are a bit smaller
Couldn't see the pictures that well on my phone but rounded corner badges plus power sizes plus modular hardware makes it almost certainly from sometime between late 1980 and early 1984.
Plus I believe the bass drum badges still faced the player at that time and those aren't Ludwig claws showing in the picture.
Definitely not 1970 Ludwig and looks like there's some funny business going on besides the mis-recollected date.
KO he just replied that they ARE repro badges... i paid him 350 for the 3 drums... now I have to debate whether to return them or just keep them for one of the harder hitting guys here at the studio...I presume the 6ply are going to respond better to being beaten severely...lol To everyone that replied THANK YOU...
Here is a reply from the guy claiming these are 1970 I tell ya I am SCRATCHING MY HEAD HERE FOLKS
""""I don't have to rely on my memory for the date...I have pictures with them on my 5th birthday. Other than the serial numbers, the repro badges are exactly the same as the originals (the guy I got them from--the guy that wants the set--worked for Ludwig in Monroe, NC for "many years", as he says, and moved out here to work at DW--I met him on a plant tour of DW in Oxnard about 5-6 years ago).""""
Well he must have had a time machine...or he's very bad at math.
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