My apologies to anyone who took offense at my post. As I said above it wasn't really meant as an answer to any particular previous post or directed at anyone here but rather towards concepts that are floating around in the drum collecting world and that had surfaced in this question. If you thought I was directing it at you (anyone here) I was not, but I can see how it may have come off that way.
Honestly I tend to think about this stuff too much I suppose. The post above was the result of thoughts that were rattling around in my head for the past couple of days. Again not in direct response to anything posted here but rather towards the general ideas that Ludwig made many different lines of drums back in the day, and that if a set isn't pictured in a catalog it must somehow be inferior. And my feelings on either aren't going to change anything, but if any of it came across as mean spirited then I'm sorry.
Yes it could have been a yes or no answer, but where is the fun in that? Spirited debate and the exchange of ideas and opinions is what makes these places entertaining, but some stuff doesn't work on "paper" I suppose. Without seeing the twinkle in someone's eye or hearing that slight chuckle as they talk it becomes all so serious.