hi all
to be honest, i typically don't get into the whole "vintage" thing, but i saw a 60's Yamaha 3pc kit (13"x9"/16"x16"/22"x14") in Blue Willow complete w/ a rail mount (which i didn't even realize Yamaha did) and absolutely FELL IN LOVE W/ IT.
i bid on it and was winning for a decent chunk of the auction, but ultimately lost due the server not registering my final bid in time.
SO...i'm asking for help locating a similar kit. i'm open to any suggestions anyone has. the only parameters are that its a Yamaha from the 60's or 70's, and that the kick drum is a 22".
any help from the community would be greatly appreciated. inside or outside the US, if you've seen one or know of one, please let me know!