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How much is my 70's Ludwig set worth?

Posts: 45 Threads: 13

Hi, I'm wondering if you all can help me. I've got this set, which belonged to my uncle. I always thought I'd have it forever, but I just don't have the need for it anymore, or the space. This kit is BIG, and I'm really more at home on my little Gretsch drums. I've decided I'm going to sell it, but I'm looking for some help on determining an asking price. I know the easy answer is to check ebay for completed listings, but there don't seem to be any sets in these particular sizes. Anyway, what I've got is this:

Ludwig B/O badge, champagne sparkle, 12/13/16/18/24, plus hard cases for the 13,16, and 24, and a naugahyde bag for the 12 (no case for the 18). The only hardware is the tom mount, FT legs, and BD legs. No major damage or mods. The kit is in pretty good, original shape. Could use a good cleaning, but nothing major.

So, can you help me determine how much I should be looking to get here? Thanks in advance.



Posted on 6 years ago

Depending on the condition, I'd say you could get $1500 to $2000 for it. Maybe $2250 on a good day. Is it 3 ply or 6 ply?

Posted on 6 years ago

I would say 3-ply, I see a Re-ring in the bass drum.

Nice set for sure


Posted on 6 years ago

Man, if that kick had a rail mount my check would be in the mail.


Currently looking for a 3-ply 24x14 Ludwig in champagne sparkle w/rail consolette and cymbal mount!
Posted on 6 years ago

From andlours

Depending on the condition, I'd say you could get $1500 to $2000 for it. Maybe $2250 on a good day. Is it 3 ply or 6 ply?

That seems about right and in-line with craigslist asking prices in my area.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 6524 Threads: 37

Can you show a pic with the pillow removed ? NiCE KIT.

It`s a drum,.....Hit It !!

.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
Posted on 6 years ago

I just noticed that you're in Osaka. The price in Japan would be much more than in the US.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 45 Threads: 13

Thanks very much for the replies, fellas. Sounds about like what I was expecting.

From andlours

Depending on the condition, I'd say you could get $1500 to $2000 for it. Maybe $2250 on a good day. Is it 3 ply or 6 ply?

I've never looked at how many plies there are, but all the drums have re-rings and clear interiors, if that means anything to you.

From OddBall

Can you show a pic with the pillow removed ? NiCE KIT.

I unfortunately can't. The drums are in storage now, and both these pictures I added here are from a few years ago. The one with a hole in the head and a pillow is the best one I could find of the whole set, and the other one is just a shot of the full reso head which I'd added a year or two later.

From Mo Tonkie

I just noticed that you're in Osaka. The price in Japan would be much more than in the US.

I live in Osaka, but the drums are actually still in America. Vermont, to be exact. This set is the absolute last of my stuff that is in America. As of yesterday, the last of my things that I could fit into four bags came here with me back to Japan. Everything else is going to be given away, or otherwise has a date with a dumpster.

By the way, for whatever it's worth, I think idea of gear going for a lot more money in Japan (and maybe Europe, too) is a bit of a dated notion. Buyers here are just as savvy as in America, and people just don't have the kind of disposable income they used to. I wouldn't expect to get a whole lot more for it in Japan, and since shipping it here would be prohibitively expensive, it's gotta be moved in the US.

Posted on 6 years ago
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