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That modern kit must have


I forgot to mention my Ludwig Classic Maple kit, now I didn't buy these, I got them in a great trade deal. That kit sounds incredible and so different than my vintage gear. It's a nice change if I ever need that extra cut which they provide and it's in the Downbeat configuration.Cool1

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Posted on 7 years ago

I would absolutely love a cherry inlay Craviotto kit, or a cherry/walnut hybrid like this one. I'd also love a weekend alone on a tropical island with Kate Beckinsale. At north of $7000 for a 3 piece kit with no snare, I'd say both are equally as likely to actually happen.

Posted on 7 years ago

There are a few new drum companies that I would absolutely love to buy a kit from, the top few being

C&C Drums (

Masshoff Drums (

Dunnett Drums & Ronn's new George Way Drums (

Q Drum Co. (

Just look at some of these beautiful drums!

  • 1964-1966 Rogers 9x13 rack tom in silver sparkle. Beavertail lugs, flat grey Cleveland tag interior
  • 1964-1966 Rogers 22 OR 24x14 bass drum in silver sparkle. Beavertail lugs, flat grey Cleveland tag interior
  • 1959 Rogers Holiday 5x14 snare drum in blue sparkle. Serial number #13382. Large double sided bread and butter lugs. Part of my kit that was split up before I purchased it. Bring the snare home!
Posted on 7 years ago

From DRUMR69

I have a problem, I like all drums.

I have roughly the same problem,lol. Though the vast majority of kits I own are from the 1980's and prior. I have a few modern kits. One is my 1994 Tama Starclassic which I bought for $250 ( for that price it was an obvious buy ) Then I have my Pearl Session Maple ( Actually a Masters kit ) Found this gem on CL for $500 including all brand new top of the line hardware and Sabian AAX Cymbals. Again, it was an obvious buy. And lastly is my Peace Onyx kit. This means a lot to me as it was the kit I got while I was a Peace Drums Endorser. Maple / Luan kit but man it sounds incredible. Always records perfectly, just a great kit. Aside those three, all 21 of the other kits are vintage. Some day I'd like

a DW, maybe even have a custom kit made for me from one of the small boutique companies. But on the whole I enjoy drums that have been around. Personally I think they just have a little more character in both appearance and sound.

18 Kits & 40+ snares..
Not a Guru, just addicted to drums

- Jay
Posted on 7 years ago

These modern PDP cx maple drums in light blue onyx

Reminded me of my sky blue Ludwig kit

4 attachments
Posted on 7 years ago

I had one of those kits and could never get it to stay tuned up. Maybe I just had a flawed kit, but aside the snare the drums never sounded good. Sold the kit but kept the snare. I do like that finish though, always have.

18 Kits & 40+ snares..
Not a Guru, just addicted to drums

- Jay
Posted on 7 years ago

I'm a vintage owner, probably only because I have always been poor and have placed utilitarian use above collecting or bragging rights throughout my life. I've always spent as much as I could humanly afford for the best things to fill my 'voids' or needs whether it was my drums, a guitar, a car or just an easy chair. I know many would probably disagree, but as the saying goes the high price of excellent quality will always out weigh the low cost of poor vintage or new my advice is just get the drums YOU believe are the best for your bucks or the one's your heart, hands and ears love. Leave the bragging or nit-picking to those that feel it is important to them and use your best instincts, don't let others be overly influential....Don't take me wrong, you are using a good process by educating yourself and asking questions. Just beware of letting someone else make your decision for you. Let your heart, mind, hands and ears be your final absolute guide and you'll never regret your choice(s). By the way, whenever I've ever seen and heard a great musician play in a local workshop, community college or on a local small stage often they end up using equipment that is available rather than their own stuff. Without exception, regardless of make, age or component type, they've always impressed me and made some of the crumbiest equipment 'sing'. i.e. a good violinist doesn't need a Stratovarius to play or sound good...not to say they wouldn't sound great using the Stratovarius BUT would anyone's ears be offended if they heard a performance on a Yamaha violin? A good musician can make a tin can rock, ...Many years ago I saw a drummer (Think his last name was Mancini) playing with Maynard Ferguson do an entire solo using a beat up cowbell while using the beat up college set at a college in Knoxville. I'm not saying purchase a tin can, LOL....guess I'm saying this is a very subjective area and you are best being happy with whatever you buy and use based upon your own good judgement rather than letting others be too influential. YOU have to be happy and if YOU try to put too much emphasis on what the experts say then YOU are beginning a journey that may lead to some harsh frustration. You have to be satisfied and happy before pleasing the public. You can't go wrong that way.

landofahhs (Paul)
Posted on 7 years ago

I have the white onyx cx kit also and had no problems that way

but my beautiful crisp white onyx wraps started to develop an odd discoloration

they were not exposed to sunlight or smoke or anything like that

and unlike the mild yellowing like some Ludwigs turn as they age

these are turning a very unattractive beige

I can only guess it is maybe a chemical thing perhaps the glue on them sort of bleeding through somehow?

I was disgusted when I first realized it had happened

It's a shame because when I bought them the white onyx finish was really striking

But no they always tuned up fine and sounded great

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Posted on 7 years ago

Could have been the edges, or maybe the heads I used. Sometimes a kit just doesn't sound good to an ear, with all the drums out there it is possible that maybe I just didn't like it's sound. And hmm that is odd that the wrap is discoloring, and not in a favorable way.

18 Kits & 40+ snares..
Not a Guru, just addicted to drums

- Jay
Posted on 7 years ago

From mchair303

While looking for vintage stuff in my local pawn shop, I stumbled upon this Dixon Fuse kit and bought it on a whim just because it looked well built (and nice sizes: 12" 14"FT 18"Bass). Satin cherry wood shells with brushed chrome hardware.No regrets buying these. With fresh Fiberskyns on every drum, these sound amazing and "vintage-ish". I gig them whenever I don't want to risk banging up my Rogers kits.Mike

Mike, I have that same exact kit! I got mine from a dude on Craigslist. They were still in the boxes. Got them for a song! I really like the mix of cherry and mahogany. That kit really does sound great.

Posted on 7 years ago
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