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That modern kit must have

Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

Here's a question that i'm sure has crossed the minds of you vintage drum dudes. Yes, i know this is a VINTAGE drum forum, but i just can't help it ;) Ever see a modern kit that you'd love to own but are simply too "stocked up", received death threats by your wife/girlfriend if you dared bring one home, AGAIN, or are just too loyal of a vintage drum guy to ever go modern ? Well, as much as i love all things vintage, seeing a modern kit which gives a slight nod to the drums of yesteryear, is something that i not only love, but find myself compelled to "pull the trigger" on from time to time,regardless of the consequences, including the wrath of the woman of the household. LoLoLoLo. I was browsing the internet researching stuff, and there is one kit that i think would be the end of my drum acquisitions. Pefect gigging and studio sizes, beautiful "vintage-ish" finish, and versatility..I already own a smaller version of the Birch counterpart of this series of drums, and love it. My favorite drum company. With that being said, let's see what modern kits you would love to own. They can be a modern vintage, or modern kit. Here's my choice, and a kit i'd love to own, like NOW !!

Posted on 7 years ago

I already own a modern kit that has that vintage vibe. It wasn't a kit I was necessarily looking for, in fact, I'd never heard of the company before seeing it on cl. I'm not even sure if the company is still in business, but it has everything and more a vintage drum nut would find appealing. The kit is made by Rochefort, they are a small custom drum company out of Nashville, Tennessee. This particular kit has 3ply maple/poplar/maple shells with rings, but unlike a lot of vintage drums with similar shell designs, each drum is a bit heavier. The edges are rounded over and cut very precise. I like to describe the sound as a Ludwig 3ply on steroids. Since they are a relatively unknown company they don't hold much re-sale value, but make no mistake, this is a high quality instrument that can hold it's own with any vintage or more well known modern drums.

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Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 5295 Threads: 226

I think I would go with a Stanbridge custom kit...Absolutely amazing work!!


1976 Ludwig Mach 4 Thermogloss 26-18-14-14sn
1978 Ludwig Stainless 22-22-18-16-14-13-12 c/w 6-8-10-12-13-14-15-16-18-20-22-24 concert toms
1975 Sonor Phonic Centennials Metallic Pewter 22-16-13-12-14sn (D506)
1971 Ludwig Classic Bowling Ball OBP 22-16-14-13
1960's Stewart Peacock Pearl 20-16-12-14sn
1980`s Ludwig Coliseum Piano Black 8x14 snare
1973 Rogers Superten 5x14 & 6.5x14 COS snares
1970`s John Grey Capri Aquamarine Sparkle 5x14 snare
1941 Ludwig & Ludwig Super 8x14 snare
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 6524 Threads: 37

I`d like to order an SQ-2 Kit from SONOR but it`s easier and cheaper buying a house.

It`s a drum,.....Hit It !!

.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
Posted on 7 years ago

I own plenty of modern kits (and vintage of course!)

I think the PDP Wood Hoop Bop kit is very cool. I would go walnut with maple hoops (as opposed to maple with walnut hoops). I just don't dig the direct to shell mounting bracket on the tom.

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Posted on 7 years ago

While looking for vintage stuff in my local pawn shop, I stumbled upon this Dixon Fuse kit and bought it on a whim just because it looked well built (and nice sizes: 12" 14"FT 18"Bass). Satin cherry wood shells with brushed chrome hardware.

No regrets buying these. With fresh Fiberskyns on every drum, these sound amazing and "vintage-ish". I gig them whenever I don't want to risk banging up my Rogers kits.

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-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

Very nice kits gentlemen ! It's refreshing to know that i'm not the only drummer up here

who loves vintage AND modern kits, so now i don't feel like too much of an outcast ;)

Let's keep those vintage/modern kits coming.



Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1427 Threads: 66

Unlike back in the 80’s, it’s actually difficult to find a poor quality new kit these days.

Shells are round, made of identifiable wood species, have solid hardware and most importantly, sound good! Worst case you put US made heads on and gig!

All that said, the modern kit that made me consider purchase (the price brought me back to reality) was the DW jazz series kit. I heard these at Nate’s shop- north shore drum shop at think it’s called. A small converted house, so close quarters. These sounded awesome. I would not turn away from one of these kits if the right opportunity came along.

Cobalt Blue Yamaha Recording Custom 20b-22b-8-10-12-13-15-16f-18f
Red Ripple '70's Yamaha D-20 20b-12-14f
Piano Black Yamaha Recording Custom Be-Bop kit 18b-10-14f
Yamaha COS SDM5; Yamaha Cobalt Blue RC 5-1/2x14; Gretsch round badge WMP; 1972 Ludwig Acrolite; 1978 Ludwig Super Sensitive; Cobalt Blue one-off Montineri; Yamaha Musashi 6.5X13 Oak; cheap 3.5X13 brass piccolo
Posted on 7 years ago

I have a problem, I like all drums.

Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 6524 Threads: 37

From DRUMR69

I have a problem, I like all drums.

Even brake drums ? Eva try and change em ??

It`s a drum,.....Hit It !!

.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
Posted on 7 years ago
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