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Vintage Cymbal Sizzler Attachments

Posted on 11 years ago

So weird, hadn't thought of these in years and just last week was talking to another drum pal about these (he's younger than I and didn't know about them). I had one exactly like the first one pictured. Pretty neat but at least on my cymbal the sizzle would "sizzle out" too quickly, which in hindsight was probably the cymbal. Anyhow, I have always wanted a cymbal with rivets and one day, someday ...

late 60s Ludwig Standard kit (blue strata)
late 60s Star kit (red satin)
Tama Rockstar Custom
a few snares ...
Posted on 11 years ago

Hey guys.

Digging up an old thread here and have a question.

Do these things mar up the cymbal surface a bit?



Posted on 7 years ago


"Always make sure your front bottom BD lugs clear the ground!"
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 5550 Threads: 576

I have some that came with my 64 wmp kit and the owner used them without the arms as cymbal locks pretty cool idea

April 2nd 1969 scarfed pink champagne holly wood and 65/66 downbeat snare, and , supra same year very minty kit old pies
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp

once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
Posted on 7 years ago

Thanks guys. I'm going to keep an eye for one. I saw on YouTube someone that makes one with one arm.


Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 6170 Threads: 255

On the one I have, either arm just slide outs. So the one arm setup would be no problem. Mine is a Camco sizzler.


Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1525 Threads: 127

I remember in 1968 when I was 11 or 12 walking to a music store in downtown Birmingham from the first Methodist church, where my Father who was a minister, was at a meeting. I went with him that day. I had a metal bead light pull dangling on my cymbal at the time. At the store I bought a Camco Sizzler like the one in the pic. I think it cost me $2.50-$325 something like that. That was a chunk of change for me as a kid back then. I still have the top round part. I loved that thing. Today I have a beautiful 70's 18" Avedis Zildjian sizzle cymbal I use on all my Jazz gigs. I put Zildjian rivets in every hole. A absolute must for ballads and tasteful soft sizzle bumps on accents. Could not do without it.

Posted on 7 years ago

So I picked one up made by Cannon. BOTH arms came bent. Not quite sure how that happened. It is going back and a new one is on the way. Those arms the rivets are on are thin, I can see how a few hits with a stick could bend them up quite a bit.


Posted on 7 years ago

Decided to make some chain sizzlers yesterday just for fun and to to see how they sound. So easy a caveman could do it! I went to the hardware store and grabbed a couple feet of the heavier ball type chain the chain sizzlers are made of. Grabbed some in steel and brass. Also picked up some split rings for keys. Made a few sizzlers and they came out to about 60 cents each. They sound fine. Not loud but added a little texture. Really the only issue is they tend to lay right where I wanted to play the cymbal so I had to pay a bit more attention. For the minimal cost and effort, it was worth it just to play around.


Posted on 7 years ago
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