Hello drum folk
I have an ongoing club date project
I have a nice 65 silver sparkle club date kit
with a 14x14 floor tom that has a large damaged section of wrap toward the back of the drum on either side of the scarf joint
The whole kit has the ginger ale effect to varied degrees
and the floor tom wrap is otherwise great save for the damage
If I re-wrap in new silver sparkle the floor tom will be mis-matched
with the other three
I was thinking maybe to replace the damaged section
with a piece of donor wrap a little closer to the moderate ginger shade of the rest
I could have it recovered completely but the snag is the ginger ale
does anyone think re-wrapping in some shade of champagne sparkle would work?...or the patch I just mentioned ? or go with the new silver?
I am frozen with indecision LOL ...HELP!!!