So finally, after decades of ignoring the public's demands for a more modern, beefier throw-off and butt plate replacement for most Ludwig snare drums with drum key bolt screws, Ludwig has come out with the new P-88 throw-off and butt plate. It apparently retrofits onto most, if not all vintage and modern Ludwig snare drums, and comes with extra hole spacings and screws to fit different sized snare drums. The 1st Atlas throw-off had issues as well as many complaints such as the strainer tension dial locking and not being able to moved while snares were engaged, a very thin, disc-like tension knob which made it quite difficult on the finger tips and annoying to turn, and finally the very short throw handle, which has now been made slightly longer, making it a breeze to engage and disengage snares, even while playing with both sticks. Well, looks like all those issues have been addressed and mods will have them in stock, and i'll be picking up couple for sure. Not in hurry to do so, but these won't be available to the public until April, as it states on the DOS website. Hopefully some of you will chime in and give your opinions ?