Thanks for all of your heartfelt opinions. I definitely want to downsize, but I feel so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin. I get ready to start organizing and making a "Sell" pile, etc. and I end up just sitting there doing nothing, and just staring off into space.
Now I know how my Mom feels. She still lives in the same house I grew up in, which is way too big for her to handle, plus it's old and it needs a lot of repair, inside and out. My Dad passed away in 2010, so she lives there all alone. She turns 80 in April, and all of us kids are constantly telling her to get rid of stuff, simplify her life and get out of the house and live somewhere that is much more manageable to her. She never does any cleaning or downsizing because she says she feels overwhelmed and doesn't know how or where to start. I never understood how she could feel that way until now.
Have you ever considered donating a kit or two to a school or a kid who can't afford one? It seems there are a lot of folks who accumulate a lot of possessions to fill a void in their life. As for me, if I'm not using something, it's of no use to me, I don't feel the need to have a ton of kits or pairs of shoes. Maybe we should focus more on our playing than what we play.
Yes I have done so before. Two of my good friends (and ex-bandmates) are husband and wife, at both teach music at the same high school. I have donated a few kits, several hardware pieces and a few cymbals to them in the past.
I'm not going to crazy and sell everything all at once. I think if I start small, selling off the things I know for sure I don't want, I think it will get easier for me once I get that initial momentum going. I think that once I see that I have more room in my house and storage unit (and more money in my pocket), I think it will be easier to keep the ball rolling until I decide I am in a comfortable place, whatever that means. I have a feeling I'll know it when I know it.
The funny thing is, in my "normal" life, I am a clean freak! My house is always very clean, and when it comes to non-musical items, I don't like any extraneous stuff lying around the house at all. I like everything organized and neat.
Thanks again for your support and encouragement. It means a lot to know that I am not the only one who struggles with this.