That's a great looking pedal you have.I have the same mounting base on mine... no holes in it like I have seen others.I see that your swivel connection is different..Now you said yours was a 3rd generation or did you have an earlier swivo version and just switch out the swivel connection.BTW, I have been playing SK pedals...very good reconditioned ones.One looks like new... I also clean and re-grease... very easy.I tried my swivomatic that I just bought on EBAY and really like the way it feels under my the footboard angle adjustment is a big plus.Although when I set my SK up I angle the mounting bracket a bit so it is flush on one side but slightly off on the other... It still stays on the bass drum and the beater hits pretty close to head on.
The Swivo-Matic pic I showed is my "Buddy Rich Model" in that this was the model he played all through his Rogers endorsement, and then with his Trixon/Vox endorsement, Fibes, and then Slingerland! Buddy was a HUGE fan of this pedal. I did upgrade the Swivel Unit on that one too as I was intending on playing/gigging it .. but .. I much preferred the hinged footboard model, so that one got relegated to my Buddy Rich collection of drums, sticks, pedals, etc. That said ...
... here are three pics of the Swivo-Matic I have actively gigged for the past 17 years .. soon to be 18 years! .. and like all of my "player models", it is upgraded. The Swivel Unit of course, the strap which is a nylon material as it does not stretch or break as leather eventually does! .. and usually in the middle of a gig! .. and the beater. I have DW beaters on all my pedals as this beater very closely replicates the Rogers "BlackJack" beaters that they pioneered when they came out with their Rogers Supreme version of the Swivo-Matic in/around 1976. I do have a Rogers Supreme in my collection, but never play/gig it. I always found it a tad over engineered and a bit bulky ... but that is of course a subjective comment! I just much prefer the earlier Swivo-Matic, and with the upgraded Swivel Unit and roller/needle bearings, have NEVER had a failure of any kind. Just SILKY SMOOTH action. I have Swivo mounting plates on all my sets, and they of course fit this pedal and it's back up. Interestingly, all those mounting plates are NOT the same, although at first glance they look it! You have to match the plate to the pedal as Rogers made slight changes here and there over the years.
I hear you on the venerable Ludwig Speed King! Probably one of the best known and most used pedals all time. I have seen some of the upgraded/reconditioned ones and they look like they would be great! ... and of course NO SQUEAKS! :)