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Skyrocketing Prices or Just Me?


Citrus Mod, Mod Orange, Psychedelic Red, all are never cheap on Reverb, even with issues......If one takes the time to network with other collectors, prices are much lower than Reverb.

I understand, but doesn't that assume you can find the same set in the same condition from a collector who is willing to part with it, and at a significantly lower price? Holding off buying could also result in missing out on an opportunity that may not come again.

I've never bought from Reverb, but I have purchased sets from Steve Maxwell's NY store which is only an hour's drive from my house. While his prices may also be higher than dealing with other collectors, it's worth a premium to me if I can get the set I want in the condition I'm happy with.

Normally my son Dan (Milestones) and I don't buy off the internet anyway because we want to see the condition in person before we lay down our money. Often photographs can be deceiving, even if it's not intended. One of the few exceptions was our purchase of your beautiful WMP Jazz Festival last year. The general condition of the hardware and wrap was excellent, and a great match to our WMP 1961/62 super classic set. I suppose if we looked around long enough and talked to other collectors, perhaps we could have gotten a similar drum in similar condition for a bit less. I really don't know. But we purchased yours because it was the right drum at the right time and at a price we were happy with.

Posted on 7 years ago

Just to go back at the the Reverb “issue”

These higher prices aren’t Reverb’s fault now is it.

Why blame such a great platform if it is up all to seller’s what price they ask.

Be glad there is such a good controlled and extensive enveironment for musicians.
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

I agree with musiqman.. is not the site to be blamed. The seller is the one who has the last say on the selling price of their item/kit. I'm having a hard time selling my 77-78 Ludwig Big Beat Black Cortex kit and i've asked for "best offer". So far, not only have the offers been ridiculous, but insulting. I understand that asking 2G's for a kit that's actually only worth 1K more or less is unreasonable, but we have to learn to deal with both potential buyers and sellers who are, for lack of a better term, out of their minds.;) My asking price, according to fellow forum members, is more than reasonable.

I'm asking for what i personally paid for the kit, just to break even, and so far nothing. I think it boils more down to availability, rarity, and demand, rather than being"vintage". Whatever the case, there will always be outrageous prices for vintage drums, and there will always be those kits that were nothing short of a steal. There is no educational system to teach vintage drum "virgins", "ignorants", or "thieves" how to price their items accordingly. So for now, i guess we'll just have to settle for instinct, common sense, and reality..

Posted on 7 years ago

From human71

I agree with musiqman.. is not the site to be blamed. The seller is the one who has the last say on the selling price of their item/kit. I'm having a hard time selling my 77-78 Ludwig Big Beat Black Cortex kit and i've asked for "best offer". So far, not only have the offers been ridiculous, but insulting. I understand that asking 2G's for a kit that's actually only worth 1K more or less is unreasonable, but we have to learn to deal with both potential buyers and sellers who are, for lack of a better term, out of their minds.;) My asking price, according to fellow forum members, is more than reasonable.I'm asking for what i personally paid for the kit, just to break even, and so far nothing. I think it boils more down to availability, rarity, and demand, rather than being"vintage". Whatever the case, there will always be outrageous prices for vintage drums, and there will always be those kits that were nothing short of a steal. There is no educational system to teach vintage drum "virgins", "ignorants", or "thieves" how to price their items accordingly. So for now, i guess we'll just have to settle for instinct, common sense, and reality..

Completely agree. :)

Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 977 Threads: 124

eBay & Reverb are similar in many ways - especially absurd pricing, which buyers often are (not always) able to make offers on both sites.

Nothing wrong w/ R. Just stating all the bellyaching over eBay I've read on VDF over the years, and all the "Thank the lord Jesus" there's finally a site for musicians, is silly. Both sites are riddled with the same issues: inflated prices, dishonesty, amateurish sellers.

Drummers, sorry, are in many cases cheap-as-all-get-out, infantile, insulting when it comes to buying - I should know: I've been selling for 15 years - and have encountered the worst selling + buying. Many encounters have been a delight; these are the ones to remember; the rest, forget.

Who doesn't want to snag a deal? The hunt is fun. Finding a needle in a haystack is part of the allure.

What does make R curious is that it is not an auction site. If it were an auction site it would be more interesting. Which leads me to the low bidder #'s on ebay : it's difficult to tell if it's a seller bidding on his own stuff.

And then there's the even more curious Goodwill auctions. The gavel prices are often far higher than eBay, at times for items that are in WORSE condition, for no good reason.

But are prices skyrocketing? "Increasing" is a better metric (no offense; "skyrocketing" is what the Dow's doing; I haven't noticed this happening on eBay). To me they seem static. And static when there seem to be a whole lot less vintage Ludwig, Rogers (the 2 I tend to watch) that would in any other niche market equate to increased sale prices.

High end, superior quality items will always fetch higher/highest prices. For these, it usually means a seller who knows what they're doing.

Posted on 7 years ago
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